Локализация плагина Ultra Minions


Ссылка на плагин:
Мне нужен перевод премиум плагина, по этому я оставлю все, что нужно переводить снизу
enabled: "&aEnabled"
disabled: "&cDisabled"
    nameItem: "&eMinion Skin"
    loreItem: |-
      &7Add this skin to your minion.
  noExistLevel: "&cThat level does not exist or may have been eliminated."
  parsedMinion: "&e<amount> &aminion configs have been successfully passed."
  parsedData: "&e<amount> &aplayer datas have been successfully passed."
  onlyInPlot: "&cYou can only put the minion on a plot."
  noMaterials: "&cThere are no materials to collect."
  collect: "&aYou have collected all the materials."
  noCollect: "&cUse the item to collect in the minion."
  noConsole: "&cThat command can only be executed by users."
  noPermission: "&cYou don't have permission for this."
  noOnline: "&cThat player's not online."
  noNumber: "&cThe value entered is not numeric."
  noMinion: "&cThere's no minion with this key."
  noFuel: "&cThere's no fuel with this key."
  noAutoSell: "&cThere's no autosell this key."
  noAutoSmelt: "&cThere's no autosmelt with this key."
  noCompressor: "&cThere's no compressor with this key."
  noSkin: "&cThere's no skin with this key."
  giveMinion: "&aYou've been given the &b<key>&a minion &ex<amount>&a."
  giveFuel: "&aYou've been given the &b<key>&a fuel &ex<amount>&a."
  giveAutoSell: "&aYou've been given the &b<key>&a autosell &ex<amount>&a."
  giveAutoSmelt: "&aYou've been given the &b<key>&a autosmelt &ex<amount>&a."
  giveCompressor: "&aYou've been given the &b<key>&a compressor &ex<amount>&a."
  giveSkin: "&aYou've been given the &b<key>&a skin &ex<amount>&a."
  placeMinion: "&aYou have put on <minion>&a you can only put &e(&b<min>&e/&b<max>&e)&a."
  removedMinion: "&cYou've removed the minion, now you have &e(&b<min>&e/&b<max>&e)&c."
  noYourMinion: "&cThis minion doesn't belong to you."
  noDestroy: "&cYou can't destroy the minion, use PickUp in the menu."
  noDestroyYour: "&cYou can't destroy a minion that's not yours."
  maxLevel: "&cYou can't get any better because you're at the most."
  noCursor: "&cYou need to have the upgrade item at the cursor."
  noUpgradeFuel: "&cThis is not a Fuel improvement."
  noUpgradeAutoSell: "&cThis is not a AutoSell improvement."
  noUpgradeMinion: "&cThis is not a AutoSmelt/Compressor improvement."
  removedFuel: "&aYou removed the Fuel from the inventory."
  reload: "&aThe plugin has been reloaded correctly."
  produced: "&aYour <title> &ahas produced &6<coins> &acoins."
  noCraft: "&cYou need to have the item at the cursor to improve.."
  noCoins: "&cYou don't have enough coins to improve your minion."
  noLevels: "&cYou don't have enough levels to improve your minion."
  upgradeLevels: "&aYou've upgraded your <title> &awith &b<level> &alevels."
  upgradeCoins: "&aYou've upgraded your <title> &awith &b<coins> &acoins."
  upgradeCraft: "&aYou've upgraded your <title> &awith Craft."
  noEconomyPlugin: "&cYou don't have any economics plugins or haven't activated it."
  noHasMaterials: "&cYou don't have the necessary materials."
    create: "&aYou've created a new fuel with the name &e<name>&a."
    percent: "&aWrite the reduce percentage in the chat."
    setPercent: "&aYou have set the reduce percentage."
    duration: "&aWrite the duration time in the chat."
    setDuration: "&aYou have set the duration time."
    create: "&aYou've created a new compressor with the name &e<name>&a."
    amount: "&aWrite the amount of items in the chat."
    setAmount: "&aYou have set the amount of items."
    create: "&aYou've created a new auto smelt with the name &e<name>&a."
    percent: "&aWrite the get percentage in the chat."
    setPercent: "&aYou have set the get percentage."
    create: "&aYou've created a new auto sell with the name &e<name>&a."
    percent: "&aWrite the sales percentage in the chat."
    setPercent: "&aYou have set the sales percentage."
  thisNotWork: "&cThis isn't a minion job."
  thisNotType: "&cThis isn't a entity type."
  setEntity: "&aThe entity type of spawn has been set."
  setType: "&aThe type of minion has been set."
  entity: "&aWrite the entity in the chat."
  type: "&aWrite the type of minion in the chat."
  onCursor: "&cYou must have the item at the cursor to replace it."
  setPlace: "&aYou set the item that the minion will produce."
  setGreen: "&aThe amount of green has been set."
  setBlue: "&aThe amount of blue has been set."
  setRed: "&aThe amount of red has been set."
  red: "&aWrite the amount of red in the chat."
  blue: "&aWrite the amount of blue in the chat."
  green: "&aWrite the amount of green in the chat."
  removeLast: "&cThe last line of the lore has been removed."
  noLine: "&cThere's no line in the lore."
  lore: "&aWrite the new line in the chat."
  setFuelCraft: "&eThe crafting of this fuel is now <state>&e."
  setCompressorCraft: "&eThe crafting of this compressor is now <state>&e."
  setAutoSmeltCraft: "&eThe crafting of this auto smelt is now <state>&e."
  setAutoSellCraft: "&eThe crafting of this auto sell is now <state>&e."
  oneLevel: "&cYou must add at least one level."
  title: "&aWrite the minion title in the chat."
  workTime: "&aWrite the minion work time in the chat."
  sleep: "&aWrite the minion sleep time in the chat."
  health: "&aWrite the minion max health in the chat."
  food: "&aWrite the minion max food in the chat."
  key: "&aWrite the minion key in the chat."
  setKey: "&aThe key of minion has been set."
  setTitle: "&aThe title of minion has been set."
  setWorkTime: "&aThe working time has been set."
  setSleep: "&aThe sleeping time has been set."
  setHealth: "&aThe maximum of life has been set."
  setFood: "&aThe maximum of food has been set."
  noResult: "&cYou have to set a result."
  setPermission: "&aThe minion craft permission has been established."
  permission: "&aWrite the minion craft permission in the chat."
  craftNotEnabled: "&cCrafting upgrade is not enabled."
  setIsLevel: "&eThe improvement by level is now <state>&e."
  setIsCoins: "&eThe improvement by coins is now <state>&e."
  setIsCraft: "&eThe improvement by crafting is now <state>&e."
  setCoins: "&aThe minion upgrade coins has been established."
  setLevel: "&aThe minion upgrade level has been established."
  setMax: "&aThe minion max storage has been established."
  setDelay: "&aThe minion delay has been established."
  coins: "&aWrite the minion upgrade coins in the chat."
  level: "&aWrite the minion upgrade levels in the chat."
  max: "&aWrite the minion max storage in the chat."
  delay: "&aWrite the minion delay in the chat."
  setCompressorPrice: "&aThe compressor price has been set."
  setSmeltPrice: "&aThe smelt price has been set."
  setNormalPrice: "&aThe normal price has been set."
  priceSmelt: "&aPlease enter the smelted price in the chat."
  priceCompressor: "&aPlease enter the compressed price in the chat."
  priceNormal: "&aPlease enter the normal price in the chat."
  smeltSave: "&aItems that are smelt in inventory have been saved."
  compressorSave: "&aItems that are compressor in inventory have been saved."
  giveInInvSave: "&aItems that are given in inventory have been saved."
  compressorUpgrade: "&eThe use of the &bCompressor&e upgrade for this minion is now <state>&e."
  autoSellUpgrade: "&eThe use of the &bAuto Sell&e upgrade for this minion is now <state>&e."
  smeltUpgrade: "&eThe use of the &bAuto Smelt&e upgrade for this minion is now <state>&e."
  fuelUpgrade: "&eThe use of the &bFuel&e upgrade for this minion is now <state>&e."
  saveAutoSell: "&aThe auto sell has been saved."
  saveAutoSmelt: "&aThe auto smelt has been saved."
  saveCompressor: "&aThe compressor has been saved."
  saveFuel: "&aThe fuel has been saved."
  saveLevel: "&aThe level has been saved."
  save: "&aThe minion has been saved."
  ## Social is not multi line...
  ## Every line is a new message
    miner: |-
      &eHello again pattern :D
      &eWhat do you need from me?
      &eCan I be your friend?
      &eToday I am very happy.
    farmer: |-
      &eAll right, Master? :O
      &eAre you hungry?
      &eI can make you something.
      &eI am very worried about this day.
    woodcutter: |-
      &eWhat a step brotter that waves.
      &eYou have got me here and you do not give me anything.
      &eYou are lucky to have me.
      &eAnother day here.
    hunter: |-
      &eWhat a step brotter that waves.
      &eYou have got me here and you do not give me anything.
      &eYou are lucky to have me.
      &eAnother day here.
    rancher: |-
      &eWhat a step brotter that waves.
      &eYou have got me here and you do not give me anything.
      &eYou are lucky to have me.
      &eAnother day here.
    miner: |-
      &cMy inventory is full...
      &cI want to mine more :,(
    farmer: |-
      &cMy inventory is full...
      &cYou will need more food :O
    woodcutter: |-
      &cMy inventory is full...
      &cYou want me to cut more?
    hunter: |-
      &cMy inventory is full...
      &cYou want me to cut more?
    rancher: |-
      &cMy inventory is full...
      &cYou want me to cut more?
    miner: |-
      &cThis place is not perfect...
      &cI need 2 x 2 of air or my material
    farmer: |-
      &cThis place is not perfect...
      &cI need 2 x 2 of dirt, soil or grass
    woodcutter: |-
      &cThis place is not perfect...
      &cI need 2 x 2 of dirt or grass
    hunter: |-
      &cThis place is not perfect...
    rancher: |-
      &cThis place is not perfect...
    miner: |-
      &cHey, give me something to eat.
      &cI have really hungry.
    farmer: |-
      &cHey, give me something to eat.
      &cI have really hungry.
    woodcutter: |-
      &cHey, give me something to eat.
      &cI have really hungry.
    hunter: |-
      &cHey, give me something to eat.
      &cI have really hungry.
    rancher: |-
      &cHey, give me something to eat.
      &cI have really hungry.
    miner: |-
      &cI can't take it anymore.
      &cI'll be gone soon.
    farmer: |-
      &cI can't take it anymore.
      &cI'll be gone soon.
    woodcutter: |-
      &cI can't take it anymore.
      &cI'll be gone soon.
    hunter: |-
      &cI can't take it anymore.
      &cI'll be gone soon.
    rancher: |-
      &cI can't take it anymore.
      &cI'll be gone soon.
    miner: |-
      &c¨ O ¨
      &cI'm very sleepy.
      &cLet me sleep for a few hours.
    farmer: |-
      &c¨ O ¨
      &cI'm very sleepy.
      &cLet me sleep for a few hours.
    woodcutter: |-
      &c¨ O ¨
      &cI'm very sleepy.
      &cLet me sleep for a few hours.
    hunter: |-
      &c¨ O ¨
      &cI'm very sleepy.
      &cLet me sleep for a few hours.
    rancher: |-
      &c¨ O ¨
      &cI'm very sleepy.
      &cLet me sleep for a few hours.
    miner: |-
    farmer: |-
    woodcutter: |-
    hunter: |-
    rancher: |-
    title: "&aCraft <title>"
      nameItem: "&eUpgrade Now"
      loreItem: |-
        &7You can improve the minion
        &7now by clicking this item,
        &7if you have all the materials
        &7in your inventory.
        &eClick to upgrade!
    title: "&aUpgrade <title>"
      nameItem: "&eLevel Upgrade"
      loreItem: |-
        &7To level up to <level> you need:
        &eLevel: &a<amount>
        &eClick to upgrade!
      nameItem: "&eCoins Upgrade"
      loreItem: |-
        &7To level up to <level> you need:
        &eCoins: &a<amount>
        &eClick to upgrade!
      nameItem: "&eCraft Upgrade"
      loreItem: |-
        &7You need the materials shown
        &7in preview, or enter the
        &7material as a result.
        &eClick to upgrade!
        &eRight to preview craft!
      nameItem: "&cBlocked Slot"
      loreItem: |-
        &7As you level up to the
        &7minion to be unlocked.
      nameItem: "&aIdeal Layout"
      loreItem: |-
        &7Click to see ideal
        &7layout of this minion.
      nameItem: "<type>"
      loreItem: |-
        &7Place this minion and it will
        &7start generating and mining <type>
        &7ore! Requires and open area to
        &7place iron ore. Minions also work
        &7when you are offline!
        &7Time Between Actions: &a<time>s
        &7Max Storage: &e<max>
        &7Resources Generated: &b<generated>
      nameItem: "&eNext Tier"
      loreItem: |-
        &7The next tier is <level>
        &7the tier give:
        &7Time Between Actions: &e<next>
        &7Max Storage: &e<slots>
      nameItem: "&aMinion Skin Slot"
      loreItem: |-
        &7You can insert a Minion Skin
        &7here to change the appearance of
        &7your minion.
      nameItem: "&aFuel"
      loreItem: |-
        &7Increase the speed of your
        &7minion by adding minion fuel
        &7items here.
        &cNote: &7You can not take
        &7fuel back out after you
        &7place it here!
      nameItem: "&aAutomated Shipping"
      loreItem: |-
        &7Add a &bBudget Hopper&7,
        &bEnchanted Hopper &7or a
        &bPerfect Hopper &7here to make
        &7your minion automatically sell
        &7generated items after its
        &7inventory is full.
      nameItem: "&aUpgrate Slot"
      loreItem: |-
        &7You can improve your minion by
        &7adding a minion upgrate item
      nameItem: "&aCollect All"
      loreItem: |-
        &eClick to collect all items!
      nameItem: "&aPickup Minion"
      loreItem: |-
        &eClick to pickup!
    title: "&aMain Minions Config"
      title: "&aCraft Setup Fuel"
        nameItem: "&aPermission of Craft"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Sets whether crafting needs
          &7any permission.
          &a&oType "none" to make crafting free.
          &eClick to set!
        nameItem: "&aSave Craft"
        loreItem: |-
          &7By clicking you will save the crafting
          &7that is required to get.
          &eClick to save!
      title: "&aSetup Fuel"
        nameItem: "&aName of Fuel"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Fuel Name:
          &eName: &a<name>
        nameItem: "&aSet Craft"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Doing will open a menu in
          &7which you will set the crafting.
          &c&oIn order to use it, you must
          &c&oactivate the crafting.
          &eClick to open!
        nameItem: "&aCraft Enabled"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Sets whether this enhancement
          &7can be obtained by crafting.
          &bState: &a<state>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aItem"
        loreItem: |-
          &7This item is the one that will
          &7function as the improvement.
          &c&oIf you have the craft activated
          &c&othis is the item you will
          &c&oreceive when you complete the crafting.
          &eClick with item to change!
        nameItem: "&aDuration"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Sets the duration of
          &7this Fuel in seconds.
          &bTime: &a<time>
          &eClick to set!
        nameItem: "&aPercent Reduction"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Sets the time reduction percentage.
          &bPercent: &a<percent>
          &eClick to set!
        nameItem: "&aSave Fuel"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Save Fuel.
          &eClick to save!
      title: "&aCraft Setup Compressor"
        nameItem: "&aPermission of Craft"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Sets whether crafting needs
          &7any permission.
          &a&oType "none" to make crafting free.
          &eClick to set!
        nameItem: "&aSave Craft"
        loreItem: |-
          &7By clicking you will save the crafting
          &7that is required to get.
          &eClick to save!
      title: "&aSetup Compressor"
        nameItem: "&aName of Compressor"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Compressor Name:
          &eName: &a<name>
        nameItem: "&aSet Craft"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Doing will open a menu in
          &7which you will set the crafting.
          &c&oIn order to use it, you must
          &c&oactivate the crafting.
          &eClick to open!
        nameItem: "&aCraft Enabled"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Sets whether this enhancement
          &7can be obtained by crafting.
          &bState: &a<state>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aItem"
        loreItem: |-
          &7This item is the one that will
          &7function as the improvement.
          &c&oIf you have the craft activated
          &c&othis is the item you will
          &c&oreceive when you complete the crafting.
          &eClick with item to change!
        nameItem: "&aAmount to Compress"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Sets the number of items that
          &7the minion must have in order to compress.
          &bAmount: &a<amount>
          &eClick to set!
        nameItem: "&aSave Compressor"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Save Compressor.
          &eClick to save!
      title: "&aCraft Setup AutoSmelt"
        nameItem: "&aPermission of Craft"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Sets whether crafting needs
          &7any permission.
          &a&oType "none" to make crafting free.
          &eClick to set!
        nameItem: "&aSave Craft"
        loreItem: |-
          &7By clicking you will save the crafting
          &7that is required to get.
          &eClick to save!
      title: "&aSetup AutoSmelt"
        nameItem: "&aName of Smelt"
        loreItem: |-
          &7AutoSmelt Name:
          &eName: &a<name>
        nameItem: "&aSet Craft"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Doing will open a menu in
          &7which you will set the crafting.
          &c&oIn order to use it, you must
          &c&oactivate the crafting.
          &eClick to open!
        nameItem: "&aCraft Enabled"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Sets whether this enhancement
          &7can be obtained by crafting.
          &bState: &a<state>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aItem"
        loreItem: |-
          &7This item is the one that will
          &7function as the improvement.
          &c&oIf you have the craft activated
          &c&othis is the item you will
          &c&oreceive when you complete the crafting.
          &eClick with item to change!
        nameItem: "&aGet Percent"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Sets the probability that
          &7this item has to be delivered.
          &bPercent: &a<percent>
          &eClick to set!
        nameItem: "&aSave Auto Smelt"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Save Auto Smelt.
          &eClick to save!
      title: "&aCraft Setup AutoSell"
        nameItem: "&aPermission of Craft"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Sets whether crafting needs
          &7any permission.
          &a&oType "none" to make crafting free.
          &eClick to set!
        nameItem: "&aSave Craft"
        loreItem: |-
          &7By clicking you will save the crafting
          &7that is required to get.
          &eClick to save!
      title: "&aSetup AutoSell"
        nameItem: "&aName of Sell"
        loreItem: |-
          &7AutoSell Name:
          &eName: &a<name>
        nameItem: "&aSet Craft"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Doing will open a menu in
          &7which you will set the crafting.
          &c&oIn order to use it, you must
          &c&oactivate the crafting.
          &eClick to open!
        nameItem: "&aCraft Enabled"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Sets whether this enhancement
          &7can be obtained by crafting.
          &bState: &a<state>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aItem"
        loreItem: |-
          &7This item is the one that will
          &7function as the improvement.
          &c&oIf you have the craft activated
          &c&othis is the item you will
          &c&oreceive when you complete the crafting.
          &eClick with item to change!
        nameItem: "&aSell Percent"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Sets the percentage at which
          &7this item is sold,
          &7of the original cost.
          &bPercent: &a<percent>
          &eClick to set!
        nameItem: "&aSave Auto Sell"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Save Auto Sell.
          &eClick to save!
      title: "&aCraft Setup"
        nameItem: "&aPermission of Craft"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Sets whether crafting needs
          &7any permission.
          &a&oType "none" to make crafting free.
          &eClick to set!
        nameItem: "&aSave Craft"
        loreItem: |-
          &7By clicking you will save the crafting
          &7that is required to level up.
          &eClick to save!
        nameItem: "&aAdd Minion"
        loreItem: |-
          &eClick to add a new minion!
      title: "&aGive in Inv Items"
        nameItem: "&aSave Items"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Clicking on the items will
          &7save and we will return
          &7you to the previous menu.
          &eClick to save!
      title: "&aSmelt Upgrade Items"
        nameItem: "&aSave Items"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Clicking on the items will
          &7save and we will return
          &7you to the previous menu.
          &eClick to save!
      title: "&aCompressor Upgrade Items"
        nameItem: "&aSave Items"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Clicking on the items will
          &7save and we will return
          &7you to the previous menu.
          &eClick to save!
      title: "&aMinion Level Setup"
        nameItem: "&aSet Craft"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Clicking will open a menu
          &7in which you can set the
          &7necessary crafting to
          &7move to the next level.
          &c&oIn order to use it, you must
          &c&oactivate the crafting upgrade.
          &eClick to open!
        nameItem: "&aSave Level"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Clicking save this level.
          &eClick to save!
        nameItem: "&aCraft Upgrade"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Choose whether this level
          &7can go up to the next
          &7level using craft.
          &bState: &a<state>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aCoins Upgrade"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Choose whether this level
          &7can go up to the next
          &7level using coins.
          &bState: &a<state>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aLevel Upgrade"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Choose whether this level
          &7can go up to the next
          &7level using levels.
          &bState: &a<state>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aDelay Between Actions"
        loreItem: |-
          &7This is the time you spend
          &7at this level for minion
          &7actions. Enough to add or collect.
          &bAmount: &a<amount>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aMax Storage"
        loreItem: |-
          &7This is the amount of space
          &7the minion has to store
          &7at this level.
          &bAmount: &a<amount>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aLevel Upgrade Cost"
        loreItem: |-
          &7This is the tiered price it
          &7costs to level up to the minion,
          &7this only applies if the minion
          &7has this option enabled.
          &bAmount: &a<amount>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aCoins Upgrade Cost"
        loreItem: |-
          &7This is the tiered price it
          &7costs to coins up to the minion,
          &7this only applies if the minion
          &7has this option enabled.
          &bAmount: &a<amount>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aMax Health"
        loreItem: |-
          &7This is the maximum life
          &7the minion will have.
          &bAmount: &a<amount>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aMax Food"
        loreItem: |-
          &7This is the maximum food
          &7the minion will have.
          &bAmount: &a<amount>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aWork Time"
        loreItem: |-
          &7This is the amount of
          &7time of work of the minion.
          &bAmount: &a<amount>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aSleep Time"
        loreItem: |-
          &7This is the amount of
          &7time of sleep of the minion.
          &bAmount: &a<amount>
          &eClick to change!
      title: "&aMinion Setup"
        nameItem: "&aMinion key"
        loreItem: |-
          &c&oAttention, it is important that
          &c&oyou change this, because this
          &c&ois how the minion is recognized,
          &c&oyou can use names like diamond1
          &c&oor the like, if you do not change
          &c&oit will be replaced with the
          &c&oname of the material it produces.
          &bKey: &e<key>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aArmor Red Amount"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Choose the amount of red
          &7the minion's armor has.
          &bRed: &e<amount>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aArmor Blue Amount"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Choose the amount of blue
          &7the minion's armor has.
          &bBlue: &e<amount>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aArmor Green Amount"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Choose the amount of green
          &7the minion's armor has.
          &bGreen: &e<amount>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aMinion Lore"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Add or remove lines of the
          &7lore that will have
          &7the head of the minion.
          &eClick to add!
          &cRight click to remove last!
        nameItem: "&aMinion Title"
        loreItem: |-
          &7When you click you will have
          &7to write in the chat the
          &7title of the minion.
          &bTitle: <title>
          &eClick to set!
        nameItem: "&aSave Minion"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Clicking save the minion
          &7in the settings.
          &eClick to save!
        nameItem: "&aLevels"
        loreItem: |-
          &7In this menu you can
          &7add levels for this minion.
          &c&oYou must add at least one level.
          &eClick to open!
        nameItem: "&aPrice Compressor Sell"
        loreItem: |-
          &7This is the price from which
          &7the percentage will be taken
          &7when the auto sell upgrade is
          &7activated, this price is
          &7the compressed item.
          &bPrice: &a<price>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aPrice Smelt Sell"
        loreItem: |-
          &7This is the price from which
          &7the percentage will be taken
          &7when the auto sell upgrade is
          &7activated, this price is
          &7the smelted item.
          &bPrice: &a<price>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aPrice Normal Sell"
        loreItem: |-
          &7This is the price from which
          &7the percentage will be taken
          &7when the auto sell upgrade is
          &7activated, this price is
          &7the normal item.
          &bPrice: &a<price>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aFuel Upgrade"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Choose if this minion can
          &7receive the Fuel upgrade.
          &bState: <state>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aAutoSell Upgrade"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Choose if this minion can
          &7receive the AutoSell upgrade.
          &bState: <state>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aAutoSmelt Upgrade"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Choose if this minion can
          &7receive the AutoSmelt upgrade.
          &bState: <state>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aCompressor Upgrade"
        loreItem: |-
          &7Choose if this minion can
          &7receive the Compressor upgrade.
          &bState: <state>
          &eClick to change!
        nameItem: "&aProduce Entity"
        loreItem: |-
          &7When clicking you must type
          &7the entity that the minion
          &7will produce in each action.
        nameItem: "&aProduce Item"
        loreItem: |-
          &7The item on the bottom, will be
          &7the item that the minion in can
          &7the floor, when the time comes
          &7to perform its action.
        nameItem: "&aNormal Give"
        loreItem: |-
          &7When you click you will open
          &7a menu in which you can put
          &7the items that the minion receives
          &7in the inventory for each action,
          &7normal without improvements.
        nameItem: "&aCompressor Give"
        loreItem: |-
          &7When you click you will open
          &7a menu in which you can put
          &7the items that the minion receives
          &7in the inventory for each action,
          &7with compressor improvement.
        nameItem: "&aSmelt Give"
        loreItem: |-
          &7When you click you will open
          &7a menu in which you can put
          &7the items that the minion receives
          &7in the inventory for each action,
          &7with autosmelt improvement.
Перевел сообщения. Плагин не знаю и поэтому трудно переводить
enabled: "&aвключено"
disabled: "&cотключено"
    nameItem: "&eСкин миньона"
    loreItem: | -
      &7 Добавьте этот скин к своему миньону.
  noExistLevel: "&cЭтот уровень не существует или, возможно устранен."
  parsedMinion: "&e<amount> &aконфигов миньонов успешно пройдены."
  parsedData: "&e<amount> &aданных игрока успешно переданы."
  onlyInPlot: "&cВы можете только поставить миньона на сюжет"
  noMaterials: "&cНет материалов для сбора"
  collect: "&aВы собрали все материалы."
  noCollect: "&cИспользуйте предмет, чтобы собрать его в миньона"
  noConsole: "&cЭта команда может быть выполнена только пользователями."
  noPermission: "&cУ...
Перевел сообщения. Плагин не знаю и поэтому трудно переводить
enabled: "&aвключено"
disabled: "&cотключено"
    nameItem: "&eСкин миньона"
    loreItem: | -
      &7 Добавьте этот скин к своему миньону.
  noExistLevel: "&cЭтот уровень не существует или, возможно устранен."
  parsedMinion: "&e<amount> &aконфигов миньонов успешно пройдены."
  parsedData: "&e<amount> &aданных игрока успешно переданы."
  onlyInPlot: "&cВы можете только поставить миньона на сюжет"
  noMaterials: "&cНет материалов для сбора"
  collect: "&aВы собрали все материалы."
  noCollect: "&cИспользуйте предмет, чтобы собрать его в миньона"
  noConsole: "&cЭта команда может быть выполнена только пользователями."
  noPermission: "&cУ вас нет разрешения на это."
  noOnline: "&cЭтот игрок не в сети."
  noNumber: "&cВведенное значение не является числовым."
  noMinion: "&cНет миньонов с этим ключом."
  noFuel: "&cНет топлива с этим ключом."
  noAutoSell: "&cНет автоматической продажи этого ключа."
  noAutoSmelt: "&cС этим ключом нет автоматического расплава."
  noCompressor: "&cНет компрессора с этим ключом."
  noSkin: "&cНет скина с этим ключом."
  giveMinion: "&aВам дали &b<key> &aминьон &ex <amount> &a."
  giveFuel: "&aВам дали &b<key> &aтопливо &ex <amount> &a."
  giveAutoSell: "&aВы получили &b<key>&a автопродажу &ex <amount> &a."
  giveAutoSmelt: "&aВам дали &b<key> &autosmelt &ex <amount> &a."
  giveCompressor: "&aВам дали &b<key>&a компрессор &ex <amount> &a."
  giveSkin: "&aВам дали &b<key>&aскин &ex <amount> &a."
  placeMinion: "&aВы положили на <minion>&a, вы можете только поставить &e(&b<min>&e/&b<max>&e)&a."
  removeMinion: "&cВы удалили миньона, теперь у вас есть &e(&b<min>&e/&b<max>&e)&c."
  noYourMinion: "&cЭтот миньон не принадлежит вам."
  noDestroy: "&cВы не можете уничтожить миньона, используйте PickUp в меню."
  noDestroyYour: "&cВы не можете уничтожить миньона, который не твой."
  maxLevel: "&cВы не можете стать лучше, потому что вы в лучшем случае."
  noCursor: "&cУ вас должен быть элемент обновления в курсоре."
  noUpgradeFuel: "&cЭто не улучшение топлива"
  noUpgradeAutoSell: "&cЭто не улучшение AutoSell"
  noUpgradeMinion: "&cЭто не улучшение AutoSmelt/Compressor."
  removeFuel: "&aВы удалили Топливо из инвентаря."
  reload: "&aПлагин перезагружен правильно."
  produced: "&aВаш <title> выпустил &6<coins> &aкоинов."
  noCraft: "&cУ вас должен быть элемент в курсоре для улучшения ."
  noCoins: "&cУ вас недостаточно монет, чтобы улучшить своего миньона."
  noLevels: "&cУ вас недостаточно уровней, чтобы улучшить своего миньона."
  upgradeLevels: "&aВы обновили свои <title> &aиз &b<level> &aуровней."
  upgradeCoins: "&aВы обновили свои <title> &aиз &b<coins> &aкоинов."
  upgradeCraft: "&aВы обновили свой <title> &aиз Craft."
  noEconomyPlugin: "&cУ вас нет экономических плагинов или вы их не активировали."
  noHasMaterials: "&cУ вас нет необходимых материалов"
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