Protection stones 1.16.5 - нужно чтобы блок привата мог быть уничтожен с помощью тнт.


Protection Stones
Ядро сервера
  1. Spigot
Версия сервера
  1. 1.16+
Память сервера ОЗУ
Делаю сборку анархии, нужно чтобы от взрыва кристалла, тнт, кровати и разных других взрывов уничтожался блок привата ну и соответственно регион. Я использую плагин ProtectionStones-2.8.5

Вот конфиг:

# Please do not change the config version unless you know what you are doing!
config_version = 15
uuidupdated = true

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Protection Stones Config
# Block configs have been moved to the blocks folder.
# To make new blocks, copy the default "block1.toml" and make another file (ex. "block2.toml")
# Does your config look messy? It's probably because of gradual config updates. Consider using the default configs.
# If you need the default configs again, you can get it from here:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Cooldown between placing protection blocks (in seconds). -1 to disable.
placing_cooldown = -1

# Set to true to not block server startup for loading the UUID cache.
# /ps add and /ps remove will not work for offline players until the cache is finished loading.
async_load_uuid_cache = false

# Whether or not to allow regions to have identical names (from /ps name).
# If this is set to true, players will have to use numbers after the name if they encounter duplicates.
allow_duplicate_region_names = false

# Time in seconds between /ps view attempts.
# Can prevent lag from spamming the command.
ps_view_cooldown = 3

# Base command for protection stones (change if conflicting with other commands)
base_command = "ps"

# Aliases for the command
aliases = [

# Whether or not to drop items on the ground if the inventory is full (ex. during /ps unclaim)
# If set to false, the event will be prevented from happening, and say that inventory is full
drop_item_when_inventory_full = true

# Whether or not regions placed have to be either next to or overlapping existing regions the player already owns.
# This can make the world cleaner and have less scattered regions.
# Set the number of regions of non-adjacent regions with the permission protectionstones.region.adjacent.x (default is 1, -1 to bypass)
# Also can bypass with protectionstones.admin
regions_must_be_adjacent = false

# Whether or not to give players the option to merge new regions with ones they already own (overlapping)
# to create a new large region. Can merge any regions with protectionstones.admin
# Requires the permission protectionstones.merge to use (with /ps merge)
# NOTE: Due to the limitations of WorldGuard, merged regions will ignore y_radius and go from bedrock to sky
# since polygon regions can only be 2D, not 3D
allow_merging_regions = true

# Whether or not to allow merged regions to have holes in them (merging a bunch of regions in a circle with the inside not protected).
# This is only checked during the merge process, it will not unmerge regions with holes already.
allow_merging_holes = true

# Whether when players join, by default they have protection block placement toggled off (equivalent to running /ps toggle)
default_protection_block_placement_off = false

# If you do not have LuckPerms, ProtectionStones is unable to determine the limits of offline players (since it depends
# on permissions), and so it requires players to be online. Set this to true if your server does not need limits (and so
# the check is unnecessary).
allow_addowner_for_offline_players_without_lp = false

# Whether /ps admin cleanup remove should delete regions that have members, but don't have owners (after inactive
# owners are removed).
# Regions that have no owners or members will be deleted regardless.
cleanup_delete_regions_with_members_but_no_owners = true

# Set limits on the price for renting. Set to -1 to disable.
max_rent_price = -1.0
min_rent_price = 1.0

# Set limits on the period between rent payments, in seconds (86400 seconds = 1 day). Set to -1 to disable.
max_rent_period = -1
min_rent_period = 1

# Set taxes on regions.
# Taxes are configured in each individual block config.
# Whether or not to enable the tax command.
# If you already have regions, you may want to set each one to have an autopayer (player that automatically pays taxes).
# This can be done with /ps admin settaxautopayers, which updates every region on the server with an autopayer from their owners list.
tax_enabled = false

# Notify players of outstanding tax payments for the regions they own.
tax_message_on_join = true

Так же есть yml файл блока привата:


alias = "10"

description = "Радиус 10 блоков."

restrict_obtaining = true

world_list_type = "blacklist"
worlds = [

prevent_block_place_in_restricted_world = true

allow_placing_in_wild = true


distance_between_claims = -1

x_radius = 64
y_radius = -1
z_radius = 64

x_offset = 0
y_offset = 0
z_offset = 0

home_x_offset = 0.0
home_y_offset = 1.0
home_z_offset = 0.0

flags = [
"pvp allow",
"tnt allow",
"greeting &lEntering &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"farewell &lLeaving &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"greeting-action &lEntering &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"farewell-action &lLeaving &b&l%player%'s &f&lprotected area",
"creeper-explosion allow",
"wither-damage allow",
"ghast-fireball allow",

allowed_flags = [
"-g all pvp",

hidden_flags_from_info = [

priority = 2

allow_overlap_unowned_regions = false

allow_other_regions_to_overlap = "owner"

allow_merging = true

allowed_merging_into_types = [


display_name = "&a&m<---&r&b Блок привата, радиус: 10&r&a&m--->"

lore = [
"&e(⌐■_■)ノ♪ Поставь чтобы создать приват!",
"&e(его можно вернуть если сломать)",

price = 0.0

allow_craft_with_custom_recipe = false

custom_recipe = [
["", "STONE", ""],
["", "STONE", ""]

recipe_amount = 1


tax_amount = 0.0

tax_period = -1

tax_payment_time = 86400

start_with_tax_autopay = true

tenant_rent_role = "member"

landlord_still_owner = true


auto_hide = false

auto_merge = false

no_drop = false

prevent_piston_push = true

prevent_explode = true

destroy_region_when_explode = false

prevent_silk_touch = false

cost_to_place = 0.0

allow_smelt_item = false

allow_use_in_crafting = false


allow_shift_right_break = false

prevent_teleport_in = false

no_moving_when_tp_waiting = true
tp_waiting_seconds = 0

prevent_ps_get = false

prevent_ps_home = false

permission = ''


enable = false

on_region_create = [
'global_message: &l%player% created the region %region%!',

on_region_destroy = [
'console_command: say %player% has destroyed region %region%!',
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