Перевод плагина Dupe Fixes / Illegal Stack Remover


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PluginPrefix: '[IllegalStack] -'
ChestRemoved: removed a chest from a ~entity~ @
ChestPrevented: prevented ~player~ from putting a chest on a ~entity~ @
StaffChestPunishment: punished ~player~ for continuing to try to put chests on a creature.  A
  ~entity~ was removed, the player's inventory has been cleared and the player has
  been kicked from the server. @
BookRemoved: 'Found a book with characters that do NOT match the specified character
  set and removed it.. Author was: ~author~'
TooManyPages: Found a book with too many pages and removed it from the inventory of
SignRemoved: Found a sign not matching the allowed character set in the world @
SignRemovedOnPlace: detected a sign placed by ~name~ that contained characters not
  in the allowed character set.  Possible dupe machine exploit! @
SignKickPlayerMsg: Placing signs with unicode characters is NOT permitted.
ShulkerClick: 'Removed a shulker box from inside another shulker box clicked by: ~name~'
ShulkerPlace: Removed a shulker box containing illegally stacked, or enchanted items
  on player ~player~  @
ItemFrameRemoveOnExtend: removed an item frame containing - ~contents~ on the back
  of a retracting piston @
ItemFrameRemoveOnRetract: removed an item frame containing - ~contents~ pulled by
  a sticky piston
PistonRetractionDupe: Stopped Rail/Carpet Dupe & Removed Piston @ ~removedblocks~
NetherPortalBlock: 'Blocked an entity from entering or leaving the nether: ~name~
EndPortalBlock: 'Blocked an entity from entering or leaving the end: ~name~ @'
MinecartGlitch1: 'Located and removed a minecart glitched inside another block : ~blocktype~
MinecartGlitch2: Stopped a minecart from being glitched into a block @
HeadInsideSolidBlock: Stopped ~player~ 's head from being inside a solid block while
  in a ~vehicle~ @
HeadInsideSolidBlock2: 'Stopped ~player~ ''s head from being inside a ~block~ Reason:
  potential Xray Glitch'
MinecartMount: Prevented a ~entity~ from being able to mount a ~vehicle~ @
ZeroTickGlitch: Stopped Zero tick crop growth glitch and removed (~removedblocks~)
NamedItemRemovalHopper: Found an item named ~item~ in a hopper, it has been removed
NamedItemRemovalPlayer: 'Found an item named: ~item~ in ~name~''s inventory, it has
  been removed. @'
ItemTypeRemovedPlayer: 'Found a blacklisted item type: ~item~ in ~name~''s inventory,
  it has been removed'
ItemTypeRemovedPlayerOnPlace: '~name~ attempted to place a blacklisted item type:
  ~item~, it has been removed'
ItemTypeRemovedPlayerOnDrop: '~name~ attempted to drop a blacklisted item type: ~item~,
  it has been removed'
ItemTypeRemoved: 'Found a blacklisted item type: ~item~ in ~player~''s inventory,
  it has been removed'
SilkTouchBookBlocked: Stopped  ~name~ from breaking ~block~ using a silk touch book
PistonHeadRemoval: A piston head was exploded.. removing an orphan piston base @
IllegalStackLogin: 'Illegal stack of items removed: ~item~ (~amount~) from player:
  ~name~ at login.'
IllegalStackOffhand: Removed an illegal stack of items from the off hand of ~name~,
  ~item~ ( ~amount~)
IllegalStackPlayerBody: 'Illegal stack of items removed: ~item~ (~amount~) from ~name~''s
  body during item scan.'
IllegalStackItemScan: 'Illegal stack of items removed: ~item~ (~amount~) from player:
  ~name~ at item scan.'
IllegalStackOnClick: 'Illegal stack of items removed: ~item~ (~amount~) from player:
  ~name~ on click in inventory.'
IllegalStackShorten: 'Fixed an illegal stack of: ~item~ (~amount~) triggered by player:
IllegalStackUnstack: 'Unstacked an illegal stack of: ~item~ (~amount~) triggered by
  player: ~name~.  ~lost~ items were unable to fit and lost.'
InvalidPotionRemoved: 'Removed invalid potion from ~name~ had the following effects:
UnbreakableItemCleared: Removed Unbreakable flag from ~item~ found on player ~name~
CustomAttribsRemoved: Removed Custom Attributes on ~item~ held by ~name~ (~attributes~)
CustomAttribsRemoved2: Removed ~item~ with Custom Attributes worn by ~name~ (~attributes~)
CustomAttribsRemoved3: Removed ~item~ with Custom attributes found in ~name~'s inventory
GlideActivateMaxBuild: Prevented ~name~ from activating an elytra while above the
  max build height. @
GlideAboveMaxBuild: Player ~name~ was using an elytra above the max build height,
  disabling glide. @
CorrectedPlayerLocation: (possible pearl glitch into block) Corrected an enderpearl
  teleport location for ~player~ @
StoppedPushableArmorStand: Prevented an armor stand from being lifted straight up
  via a piston @
StoppedPushableEntity: Prevented an entity (armor stand/end crystal) from being pushed
  into another entity @
RemovedRenamedItem: Removed a renamed item ~item~ from the inventory of ~name~
BlockedTripwireDupe: Player ~name~ attempted to place a tripwire hook on a trap door,
  it has been removed (PreventTripwireDupe = true)
GenericItemRemoval: ~item~ removed by protection ~protection~, found on source ~source~
PlayerTrappedPortalMsg: §cSorry ~name~ but that portal appears to not have a valid
  exit!  You would be trapped if you went through it!
PlayerCommandSleepMsg: §cSorry but all commands are disabled while sleeping!
PlayerDisabledBookMsg: §cSorry but player book editing is disabled on this server!
PlayerKickMsgFishing: §cAuto Clicker Fishing is not allowed on this server!
PlayerKickMsgFishMod: §cAttention! it looks like you may be using an Auto Fishing
  Mod...  Please change the spot you're fishing to avoid getting kicked!
PlayerSwimExploitMsg: §cThat villager is too busy swimming to trade with you right
PlayerCMIShulkerNest: §cSorry you can not put a shulker into another shulker!
PlayerDisabledHorseChestMsg: §cSorry, chests on horses, llamas, mules etc are disabled!
PlayerDisabledRidingChestedMsg: §cSorry, taming creatures that can carry chests is
PlayerKickForChestMsg: §cYou were warned about chests on mobs, stop trying.
PlayerNearbyNotification: a nearby exploit was detected ~prot~
PlayerNetherBlock: §cSorry ~name~ players are not allowed on top of the nether!
PlayerEnchantBlocked: §cSorry ~name~ Enchanting this item is not permitted.
PlayerRepairBlocked: §cSorry ~name~ Repairing this item is not permitted.
PlayerSpawnEggBlock: §cSorry you can not use spawn eggs to change spawner types!
StaffMsgChangedSpawnerType: Player ~player~ used ~type~ to change a spawner type @
StaffMsgEndGatewayVehicleRemoved: player ~name~ attempted to take a ~vehicle~ through
  an end gateway, it has been removed.
StaffMsgBlockedPortalLogin: broke a trapped nether portal @
StaffMsgBlockedPortal: ~player~ was prevented from going through a blocked/trapped
  nether portal @
StaffMsgDropperExploit: Detected a hopper/dropper loop exploit and removed a dispenser/dropper
StaffMsgSpawnerReset: A ~type~ spawner was reset to a pig spawner when broken by ~name~
StaffMsgCreativeBlock: ~name~ was prevented from loading in an illegal item via the
  creative saved toolbar.
StaffMsgNetherBlock: ~name~ was prevented from accessing the top of the nether @
StaffMsgNetherFix: ~name~ has been teleported down from above the nether ceiling @
StaffMsgUnderNether: ~name~ has been killed for flying under the nether floor @
StaffMsgNetherCart: Stopped ~name~ riding in a vehicle above the nether ceiling @
StaffMsgBookRemoved: 'Removed a writable book from player: ~name~ because player book
  creation is disabled!'
StaffProtectionToggleMsg: 'Protection: ~protection~ has been turned ~status~ by ~name~'
StaffInvalidProtectionMsg: '§cYou must supply a valid protection name to add values
StaffOptionUpdated: §aOption successfully updated!
StaffSingleWordsOnly: §cThat protection does not support multiple word arguments!
StaffStringUpdated: '§aValue updated with string value: ~value~'
StaffEnchantBypass: §cPlease left click with the item in hand you wish to add to the
  EnchantedItemWhitelist, left click with nothing in hand or use /istack cancel to
StaffEnchantBypassCancel: §cEnchantedItemWhitelist add item mode DISABLED.
StaffEnchantBypassAdded: §aAdded ~itemdata~ to the EnchantedItemWhitelist!
StaffSpamFishingNotice: §a~player~ is spam fishing! ~casts~ casts without a 2 second
  break! @
StaffAutoFishingNotice: §a~player~ appears to be using an autofishing mod..  ~count~
  caught within 0.3 blocks of each other @
StaffBadShulkerRemoved: Removed a hacked shulker box with an excessive amount of items
  in it (~size~) from ~name~ @
StaffBadShulkerInWorld: 'Removed a dropped shulker box with an excessive amount of
  items in it (~size~) from the world: @'
StaffNoItem: You must be holding an item in your main hand to force fix it's enchantment!
StaffNoEnchants: This item has no enchants to fix!
StaffEnchantFixed: Corrected ~amount~ enchants on ~item~
StaffNoNBTAPI: 'NBT-Api was not found on your server and is needed for ~prot~ since
  it is enabled! Please download and install it from:  https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/nbt-api.7939/'
StaffEnchantNotFixed: IllegalStack did not detect any invalid enchantments on this
StaffEndPortalProtected: Prevented the end portal from being broken using a dispenser
StaffMsgNoPerm: 'You do not have permission to use that IllegalStack feature, node
  required: ~perm~'
StaffMsgBedExplosion: Prevented a bed from being used as an explosive @
DestroyedEnchantedItem: 'Destroyed an Illegally Enchanted Item ~item~ ~enchant~.(~lvl)
  found on player: ~player~'
IllegalEnchantLevel: '§aFixed Enchantment Level ~enchant~.(~lvl~) on ~item~ found
  on player: ~player~'
IllegalEnchantType: '§aCould not fix Enchantment ~enchant~.(~lvl~) on ~item~ found
  on player: ~player~ this enchantment is not valid for this item type!'
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