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Какой плагин на честное pvp 1.16.5

В AntiRelog он активируется при ударе от моба
А CombatLogX - Полная хрень, щитает урон от падения
CombatLogX имеет такую вещь как настройки.
Где? Я не вижу

# Default Settings Configuration for CombatLogX
# Made by SirBlobman for v10.3.8.5

# Please DO NOT change this value or your config may be corrupted
generated-by-version: ""

# What is the name of the language file for CombatLogX?
# If the file does not exist, the default will be used
# File Location: /plugins/CombatLogX/language/<choice>.yml
# Default: "en_us"
language: "en_us"

# This option only works correctly in Spigot 1.12.2+
# Should the plugin try to make the messages the same language that was selected by the player?
# (Unknown or undetectable languages will use the language configured above)
# Default: true
per-player-locale: true

# Should extra messages be printed for certain tasks?
# Only use this if you are having issues or you are asked to by SirBlobman
# Default: false
debug: false

# Should the plugin check for updates after it's enabled?
# Default: true
update-checker: true

  # Should a message be broadcasted when the plugin is loaded by Bukkit?
  # Default: true
  on-load: true

  # Should a message be broadcasted when the plugin is enabled?
  # Default: true
  on-enable: true

  # Should a message be broadcasted when the plugin is disabled?
  # Default: true
  on-disable: true

# This is a list of worlds that CombatLogX will not tag players in
# World names are case sensitive. "world" is not the same as "WoRlD"
# Make sure you are not using the world aliases from Multiverse
disabled-worlds: []

# Set this to true to use the 'disabled-worlds' as a whitelist.
# Default: false
disabled-worlds-is-whitelist: false

# This is a list of commands that will be executed whenever a player is tagged.
# Commands will run in console by default
# Available Prefixes:
# [PLAYER] - run the command as the player that was tagged
# [OP] - run the command as the player that was tagged, but with "Server Operator" permissions (not recommended)
# Set this list to empty to disable the commands
# e.g. "combat-sudo-command-list: []"
combat-sudo-command-list: []

# This is a list of commands that will be executed whenever a player is untagged
# Commands will be run in console by default
# Available Prefixes:
# [PLAYER] - run the command as the player that was tagged
# [OP] - run the command as the player that was tagged, but with "Server Operator" permissions (not recommended)
# Set this list to empty to disable the commands
# e.g. "untag-sudo-command-list: []"
untag-sudo-command-list: []

# Set this to true to link wolves, cats, parrots, and other pets to the entity that owns them.
# This will only link the owner if the pet is the attacker
# Default: true
link-pets: true

# Set this to true to link arrows, potions, snowballs, eggs, and other projectiles that can be shot by entities.
# This will only link the shooter if they are the attacker
# Default: true
link-projectiles: true

  # How long should players be tagged?
  # The timer is in seconds.
  # Default: 15
  timer: 15

  # What permission should be used to bypass combat tagging?
  # Set this to "" to disable the bypass permission.
  # Default: "combatlogx.bypass"
  bypass-permission: "combatlogx.bypass"

  # Should players be allowed to tag themselves using arrows?
  # Default: false
  self-combat: false

  # Should players be removed from combat when they die?
  # Default: true
  on-self-death: true

  # Should players be removed from combat when their enemy is killed?
  # Default: false
  on-enemy-death: false

  # Should players be punished when they quit the game?
  # Default: true
  on-quit: true

  # Should players be punished if they are kicked from the game?
  # Default: false
  on-kick: false

  # Which kick messages should be ignored for punishments?
  # This option is ignored if `on-kick` is false
  # The plugin uses a string contains check, so messages are case sensitive
    - "kicked by SirBlobman"
    - "troll"

  # Should players be punished if the combat timer expires?
  # You shouldn't need this option unless you're testing something
  # Default: false
  on-expire: false

  # When should the player be killed by CombatLogX?
  # Valid Options: QUIT, JOIN, NEVER
  # Default: QUIT
  kill-time: QUIT

  # A random message is selected from this list when the player is killed by CombatLogX
  # If you don't want custom death messages set this to an empty list
  # Disabled: custom-death-messages: []
    - "{name} was killed for logging out during combat."
    - "{name} instantly died due to logging out during combat."

  # This is a list of commands that will be executed on the player that logged out.
  # Set this to an empty list to not run any commands
  # Commands will run in console if a prefix is not added
  # Available Prefixes:
  # [PLAYER] - run the command as the player that was tagged
  # [OP] - run the command as the player that was tagged, but with "Server Operator" permissions (not recommended)
  # Disabled: punish-command-list: []
  punish-command-list: []
Авто объединение сообщений:

Я нашел где - в папке expansions
Авто объединение сообщений:

все, я сделал
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