Вопрос Как сделать авто-обновление топов на голограмме в плагине AjLeaderboards?


Пробывал ни как не получатся, если что плагин на голограммы HolographicDisplays
Вместо HolographicDisplays установи и проверь нет ли у тебя опки когда проверяешь топы.
AjLeaderBoards по умолчанию игнорирует игроков со всеми правами и не добавляет в топы, но это можно отключить
поставив enable-dontupdate-permission: на false
но если я пишу вот эту команду: /ajl updatealloffline vault_eco_balance start то сразу все обновляется
могу конфиг отправить если нужно
Авто объединение сообщений:

Ты куда топы выводишь? На голограммах?
да на голограммах
Разрешается выкладывание кода, файлов конфигураций, логов и т.д. только под BB-код CODE
Давай конфиг и какой плагин на голограммы
плагин на голограммы HolographicDisplays

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# #
# _ _ _ _ _ #
# (_)| | | | | | | | #
# __ _ _ | | ___ __ _ __| | ___ _ __ | |__ ___ __ _ _ __ __| | ___ #
# / _` | | || | / _ \ / _` | / _` | / _ \| '__|| '_ \ / _ \ / _` || '__| / _` |/ __| #
# | (_| | | || |____| __/| (_| || (_| || __/| | | |_) || (_) || (_| || | | (_| |\__ \ #
# \__,_| | |\_____/ \___| \__,_| \__,_| \___||_| |_.__/ \___/ \__,_||_| \__,_||___/ #
# _/ | by ajgeiss0702 #
# |__/ #
# #
# Welcome to the config for ajLeaderboards! #
# #
# Make sure to read the comments above each option to know what that option does. #
# #
# If you have any questions, first make sure you've read the comment above the option, then #
# feel free to join my discord and ask there (invite link is on the plugin page) #
# #
# Happy configuring! #
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# How often should we refresh the stats of online players?
# this is in ticks, so 20 ticks = 1 second
# Default: 1200 (60 seconds)
stat-refresh: 600

# Should we check for the dontupdate permission?
# The dontupdate permission will cause players (who have it) to not be added/updated on the leaderboard
# ajleaderboards.dontupdate.<board>
# Default: true
enable-dontupdate-permission: true

# Should we block the thread when loading placeholders?
# The default option of auto will only block when we are not on the main server thread.
# If true, it will always block the thread, which could cause some lag.
# If false, it will never block the thread its on.
# Options: true, false, auto
# Default: auto
blocking-fetch: auto

# Should we register luckperms contexts?
# See how to use them here:
# If you enable this, I HIGHLY recommend configuring "only-register-lpc-for" below
# to only register the ones you're actually going to use
# Default: false
register-lp-contexts: false

# What boards and types should we calculate luckperms contexts for?
# If this is blank (and register-lp-contexts is enabled) then we will calculate it for all boards
# If you add stuff to this, it should be in the format board:type
# Example: - "statistic_time_played:alltime"
# If you leave off the type at the end, it will do all timed types for that board:
# Example: - "statistic_time_played"
only-register-lpc-for: []

# Boards listed here will be sorted in reverse order
# e.g. instead of showing the highest on top, boards listed here will show the lowest on top
reverse-sort: []

# How often (in ticks) should we update leaderboard signs?
# Note that this updates from the cache. The cache update speed is controlled by stat-refresh
# Default: 20 (1 per second)
sign-update: 1

# Should ajLeaderboards update the stat as soon as the player joins?
# If this is disabled, players will still be updated, just at the stat-refresh interval
# Default: true
update-on-join: true

# These are "extra" placeholders that can be parsed to be displayed alongside the leaderboard
# For example, you can have a KDR leaderboard, then next to each player on the leaderboard,
# you can show their actual kills and deaths
# More info:
- "statistic_player_kills"

# What character should we use for the comma in long numbers?
# You can also set this to be blank if you don't want commas
comma: ","

# What character should we use for the decimal?
decimal: "."

# What day of the week should WEEKLY leaderboards reset on?
# Options are monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, sunday
# The weekly reset happens at midnight (12:00 am / 00:00) (the start of the day) of the day you put here
# Caps don't matter
# Default: sunday
reset-weekly-on: sunday

# What should values be called?
# In the default value, the statistic_player_kills board will have a name of "kills" to be displayed on signs after the value
# This is only used in signs. If you want more than this, you can change the sign format in the messages.yml file
- "statistic_player_kills%kills"

# Should this server update player stats?
# If disabled, stats will not be recorded to the database, and ajleaderboards will basically only read from it.
# This can be useful if you have a lobby where you want to display leaderboards, but want to make sure anything in the lobby
# doesn't override the stats from other servers
update-stats: true

# Only automatically update these boards.
# If this is an empty list (the default), then all boards will be updated
# update-stats, if disabled, will override this.
# Reminder: all board names in ajLeaderboards are case-sensitive
# Default: []
only-update: []

# If a player's score is 0 (and it wasn't 0 before) then ajLeaderboards will skip updating the player at first
# This is to fix plugins that return 0 while they're still loading stats
# If the player's score is still 0 the next time they're updated, then the 0 is shown.
# Default: true
require-zero-validation: true

# In boards listed here, anyone with a score of `0` will not be added to the leaderboard.
dont-add-zero: []

# Should we get prefixes/suffixes from vault?
# If vault is not installed, this option does nothing (prefixes/suffixes aren't fetched anyway)
# Default: true
fetch-prefix-suffix-from-vault: true

# Debug option to print stuff that could be useful to the developer.
# You should probably keep this disabled unless you know what you are doing or are told to turn it on.
# Default: false
debug: false

# Should we send additional debug about stat updates?
# Requires debug to be true
# Default: false
update-de-bug: false

# Should we use particles as debug to show where heads and armor stands are being looked for?
# Default: false
particles: false

# Should we print some more stuff about the internals of fetching?
# You really only need to use this if the dev asks for it.
fetching-de-bug: false

# What maximum number of threads should ajLeaderboards be allowed to use for fetching from the db?
# Most of the time, the number of threads used will be far less than this.
# This is ignored on mysql (and maxConnections is used for this instead)
# Lower this if you get the message "unable to create native thread: possibly out of memory or process/resource limits reached"
# I would __not__ recommend setting this below 20.
# Requires a server restart to change
# Default: 70
max-fetching-threads: 70

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# #
# End of config. Happy leaderboard-ing :) #
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# Don't touch this
config-version: 28

# to messages.yml. They will be removed from here in the future.
# They are only still here to ensure they can be copied from here to the messages file.
# If you change these here, they WILL NOT work. Only change them in messages.yml
no-data-name: "---"
no-data-score: "---"
# ^ Change those in messages.yml now
Вместо HolographicDisplays установи и проверь нет ли у тебя опки когда проверяешь топы.
AjLeaderBoards по умолчанию игнорирует игроков со всеми правами и не добавляет в топы, но это можно отключить
поставив enable-dontupdate-permission: на false
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