Вопрос Чат в CMI, его настройка, вопросы.


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Как настраивается чат в CMI?
Как сделать глобальный/локальный чат?
Возможно ли сделать личные сообщения в CMI?
Возможно ли в CMI сделать каждому игроку свой цвет ника? Или как нибудь другими способами. Пытаюсь внедрить донат за цветной ник.

Жду профи по этому плагину. С полным разбором настроек чата.

Авто объединение сообщений:

Последнее редактирование:
  # Will try to modify chat to display it in defined format
  ModifyChatFormat: true
  # When set to true, regular and private messages (excludes clean messages) will have additional information when hovering over it (PlaceHolderAPI supported) and can be clicked for quick reply option
  # To change default hover over messages seen on sent message, go to your locale file to Chat section
  ClickHoverMessages: true
    # Enables support for DiscordSRV plugin
    Enabled: false
    # Indicator which can be used as {discord} in chat format to indicate that message came from discord and not ingame
    Label: '&2[&7D&2]'
    UnlinkedLabel: '&4[&cD&4]'
  # Enables support for DynMap web chat...
  # Will try to modify chat to display it in defined format
  ModifyChatFormat: true
  # When set to true, regular and private messages (excludes clean messages) will have additional information when hovering over it (PlaceHolderAPI supported) and can be clicked for quick reply option
  # To change default hover over messages seen on sent message, go to your locale file to Chat section
  ClickHoverMessages: true
    # Enables support for DiscordSRV plugin
    Enabled: false
    # Indicator which can be used as {discord} in chat format to indicate that message came from discord and not ingame
    Label: '&2[&7D&2]'
    UnlinkedLabel: '&4[&cD&4]'
  # Enables support for DynMap web chat
  DynMapChat: true
  # When set to false, each time you will use /r you will reply to person you previously sent message directly or to person who sent you message if there is none you have conversion before
  # When this set to true, players with /r will reply to person who last sent private message. This can result in confusion when using /r while getting private messages from multiple players
  ReplyToLastMessenger: true
  # If ReplyToLastMessenger is set to false, then timeOut will be taken into consideration to who you should reply
  # If you had conversation in last 120 seconds (default) then even receiving message from 3rd person, you will still reply to original player
  # If you had conversation in longer then 120 seconds period, then you will reply to latest person who send you a message
  LastMessengerTimeOut: 120
  # When set to true players will need to have cmi.command.msg.[groupname].send where [groupName] is receivers main permission group
  PrivateMessagesGroups: false
  # When set to false, web pge links in a chat will not get shortened to default [LINK] format
  TranslateLink: true
  # Defines regex when replacing url in chat with short word
  # Examples:
  # (https?:\/\/(?:www\.|(?!www))[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]\.[^\s]{2,}|www\.[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9-]+[a-zA-Z0-9]\.[^\s]{2,}|https?:\/\/(?:www\.|(?!www))[a-zA-Z0-9]\.[^\s]{2,}|www\.[a-zA-Z0-9]\.[^\s]{2,})
  # ((http|https|ftp|ftps)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/\S*)?
  # ((http|https|ftp|ftps)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/\S*)?([^\s]+)
  LinkRegex: ((http|https|ftp|ftps)\:\/\/)?[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(\/\S*)?([^\s|^\)]+)
  # When set to true, particular variables in chat will be translated into items player are holding. List of variables belove
  HoverItems: true
  # Defines regex when replacing item line in chat with players item in hand information. Only works when CMI hover over chat format is enabled
  - (\%item\%)
  - (\[item\])
  - (\%i\%)
  # Attention! This will require you to have CMI Bungee plugin which can be found at zrips.net
  # Or direct download https://www.zrips.net/cmi/
  # Do you want to enable private messaging over bungeecord
  BungeeMessages: false
  # Do you want to enable public messaging over bungeecord
  BungeePublicMessages: false
  # Do you want to enable staff messaging over bungeecord
  BungeeStaffMessages: false
  # Used for simple chat messages. Optional variables: {displayName} {world} {prefix} {suffix} {group} {shout} {message}. Supporting PlaceHolderAPI variables like %player_server%
  GeneralFormat: '{prefix}&6{displayName}&7: &r{message}'
  # Will define message format itself, this allows to have gradients in messages
  # It NEEDS to contain {message} otherwise we will ignore this setup
  # For 1.16+ servers you can use color gradients like '{#b3a28f>}{message}{#d7b8e6<}'
  # You can have more than 2 colors in gradient. To define it repeat {message} variable. For example '{#b3a28f>}{message}{#5c6999<>}{message}{#d7b8e6<}'
  GeneralMessageFormat: '{message}'
  # Defines range of regular messages to travel
  # Set to -1 to disable range restriction
  GeneralRange: 100
  # Defines range of shout messages to travel
  # Shout messages should start with ! and player should have cmi.chat.shout permission
  # GeneralRange should be enabled
  # set to 0 to shout across all worlds, -1 to disable
  ShoutRange: 0
  # Defines cost for each shout message
  ShoutCost: 0
  # Prefix used to idicate that message should be sent to public chat instead of current players chat room
  # Set it to empty field if you want this feature to be disabled
  ChatRoomShout: '!'
  # Time in seconds you want to keep chat rooms alive before removing them
  # This only applies to empty rooms after last user leaves it
  ChatRoomLife: 3600
  # Use numeric increments to separate groups from each other. If player has more than one, then line with higher number will be used
  # Add as many lines as you need too
  # cmi.chatgroup.[id] permnission node to use
  # Permission example: cmi.chatgroup.2
    '1': '{prefix}&f{displayName}&3: &f{message}'
    '2': '{prefix}&9{displayName}&3: &f{message}'
    '3': '{prefix}&e{displayName}&3: &f{message}'
    '4': '{prefix}&a{displayName}&3: &f{message}'
    '5': '{prefix}&c{displayName}&3: &f{message}'
    '6': '{prefix}&d{displayName}&3: &f{message}'
    '7': '{prefix}&2{displayName}&3: &f{message}'
    '8': '{prefix}&b{displayName}&3: &f{message}'
    '9': '{prefix}&5{displayName}&3: &f{message}'
    '10': '{prefix}&6{displayName}&3: &f{message}'
    '11': '{prefix}&5{displayName}&3: &f{message}'
    '12': '{prefix}&2{displayName}&3: &f{message}'
    '13': '{prefix}&f{displayName}&3: &f{message}'
    '14': '{prefix}&3{displayName}&6: &f&l{message}'
  # Use numeric increments to separate groups from each other. If player has more than one, then line with higher number will be used
  # Add as many lines as you need too
  # cmi.chatmessagegroup.[id] permnission node to use
  # Permission example: cmi.chatmessagegroup.2
GroupFormat - это группы по цветам, какое разрешение выдашь, такой и будет цвет, количество группу изменить под свой сервер.
Так же можно выдать для различных групп различный цвет, наклон, жирность текста. в моем случаем все пишут просто белым цветом, кроме 14 группы.
Локальный чат без спец. символа.
Глобальный чат с символом "!"
Отображение глобального и локального чата настраивается в конфиге Locale_RU
Вам необходимо зарегистрироваться для просмотра изображений-вложений
AlexF1B, с группами цветами костыли. Оказывается есть команда cmi nick
Ну ели есть в донат-сайте возможность выбора ника или настройки для ввода ника самому игроку.
Авто объединение сообщений:

На личные сообщения нужны права
Авто объединение сообщений:

Есть также права на личные сообщения между групп
Последнее редактирование:
Право cmi.colors.me.цвет
Авто объединение сообщений:

Все права плагина . Если нет прав у игрока при выполнении команды, в консоли выдаст какое право нужно игроку
Последнее редактирование:
Сверху Снизу