- Поддерживаемые версии
- 1.16
- 1.17
- 1.18
- 1.19
- 1.20
- 1.21
- Ядра и Прокси
- Paper
- Минимальная версия Java
- 16
Этот плагин — идеальное решение для модераторов.
Его возможности включают:
Помощь по команде:
XSpec упрощает контроль и поддерживает порядок на сервере,
делая модерацию более эффективной и безопасной.
Если у вас есть вопросы, идеи или обнаружили баги,
пишите в наш Discord-сервер.
Его возможности включают:
- Скрытие координат в режиме слежки.
- Свечение подозреваемого для следящего.
- BossBar и ActionBar.
- Discord Webhook.
- Блокировку взаимодействия с сундуками в режиме слежки.
- Блокировку определённых команд в режиме слежки.
- Ограничение дистанции перемещения наблюдателя.
- Логирование локации модератора, введённых команд и сообщений в чате.
Помощь по команде:
- /spec go (Игрок)
- /spec off
# Available serializers:
# LEGACY_AMPERSAND - "&c&lExample &c&9Text".
# LEGACY_SECTION - "§c§lExample §c§9Text".
# MINIMESSAGE - "<bold><red>Example</red> <blue>Text</blue></bold>". (https://webui.adventure.kyori.net/)
# GSON - "[{"text":"Example","bold":true,"color":"red"},{"text":" ","bold":true},{"text":"Text","bold":true,"color":"blue"}]". (https://minecraft.tools/en/json_text.php/)
# GSON_COLOR_DOWNSAMPLING - Same as GSON, but uses downsampling.
# Lightweight and anonymous. Please keep enabled to support the author.
bstats: true
# Highly optimized and stress-tested update checker.
# Please keep enabled to always stay up to date with the latest version.
check-for-updates: true
# After the player's nickname in the command you must enter the reason,
# which will be stored in the logs
need-reason: false
- "cheats"
- "report"
# If true, you can enter any reason, otherwise
# if false, you can only enter pre-prepared reasons from the config (TabComplete is present)
any-reason: false
# If true, it will require an exact match of reasons from the logged reasons, otherwise
# if false, it will offer tab complete but will not complain that the reason is not from the logged reasons,
# simply put, allow any reason but leave tab complete
exact-reason: true
off-spec-on-gamemode-change: true
suspect-glow: true
bossbar-enabled: true
# If false, the player after '/spec off' will stay where he wrote the command, no teleporting
teleport-after-stop: true
# Will message everyone who has xspec.notify them that someone has started spectating or finished
notify: true
actionbar: true # For spectator
# When stopped, it teleports to the old location, not from the config
return-to-old-location: false
# When stopped, the old game mode is enabled, not from the config
return-to-old-gamemode: false
night-vision: true # For spectator
stop-gamemode: "SURVIVAL"
# World and coordinates where player teleports to after a stop spec.
teleport-world-name: "world"
teleport-x: 0.5
teleport-y: 90.0
teleport-z: 0.5
# Leave it blank so it doesn't send anything
webhook: ""
bar-name: "&6Spectating behind player {0}"
bar-color: WHITE
bar-overlay: PROGRESS
# Maximum distance in blocks at which a spectator can fly away.
maximum-distance: 25.0
# {0} - Hours
# {1} - Minutes
# {2} - Seconds
# {3} - Hours in total
# {4} - Minutes in total
# {5} - Seconds in total
duration-format: "{0} h, {1} min, {2} sec"
# Recommend second precision for log naming.
date-pattern: "dd.MM.yyyy - HH:mm:ss"
# Available time zones:
# UTC - Coordinated Universal Time.
# Europe/Moscow - Moscow Time.
# America/New_York - Eastern Time (US & Canada).
# Asia/Tokyo - Japan Standard Time.
# For more time zones, refer to: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones
time-zone: "Europe/Moscow"
- "/sethome"
- "/setwarp"
# Commands that notify moderators of a cheater (xspec.blocked) blocks access to commands
- "sos"
- "cheater"
# Don't use \n, use {NL} for new line.
# If the message is empty, it will not be sent.
usage: "Command help:{NL}/spec go (Nickname) [?Reason]{NL}/spec off"
unknown-subcommand: "Unknown subcommand."
specify: "Please specify the suspect's nickname."
specify-reason: "Please specify the reason."
suspect-not-found: "The player could not be found."
player-bypassed: "You can't spectating this player."
cannot-spectate-self: "You cannot spectate yourself."
no-spectate-spectator: "You cannot spectate a player who is already spectating."
invalid-reason: "You must write a prepared reason."
started: "You are now spectating {0}. Date: {1}"
started-webhook: "{\"content\":null,\"embeds\":[{\"title\":\"Spectating of `{0}` has begun.\",\"description\":\"Start date: {1}\\nReason: {2}\\nSpectator: {4}\",\"color\":16711680}],\"attachments\":[]}"
started-notify: "Spectator {0} started spectating for {1} for the reason {2} in {3}."
already-started: "You are already spectating someone."
world-not-found: "&4The world for teleportation could not be found. Please contact an administrator."
stopped: "You have stopped spectating. Date: {0}, Suspect: {1}"
stopped-webhook: "{\"content\":null,\"embeds\":[{\"title\":\"Spectating of `{0}` is complete.\",\"description\":\"End date: {1}\\nDuration: {2}\\nSpectator: {4}\",\"color\":16745728}],\"attachments\":[]}"
stopped-notify: "Spectator {0} stopped spectating for {1} at {2} the duration was {3}."
not-spectating: "You are not currently spectating anyone."
suspect-left: "The player you were spectating ({0}) has left the server. Date: {1}"
too-far: "You cannot move too far away while spectating."
actionbar: "&bSuspect's nickname {0}, suspect's ping: {1}."
command-blocked: "You cannot use this command while spectating."
cannot-change-gamemode: "You can't change the gamemode during the spectating."
stopped-by-gamemode-change: "Spectating stopped by changing the game mode. Date: {0}, Suspect: {1}"
XSpec упрощает контроль и поддерживает порядок на сервере,
делая модерацию более эффективной и безопасной.
Если у вас есть вопросы, идеи или обнаружили баги,
пишите в наш Discord-сервер.
- Зависимости
- ProtocolLib (Необязательно)
- Исходный код
- https://github.com/X-Bukkit-Community/XSpec
- Команды и права
- /spec go (Игрок)
/spec off
xspec.use - Право для использования команды