- Сообщения
- 3
- Плагин
- TimeIsMoney
- Ядро сервера
- Spigot
- Версия сервера
- 1.20
У меня такая проблема, я настроил в конфиге TimeIsMoney зачисление денег определенным привилегиям в сутки. Но всем выдаётся одинаковое кол-во денег, на данный момент по 1000 у всех. Как сделать там чтобы определенной привилегии выдавалось по определенному кол-ву денег?
allow-multiple-accounts: true
# Option to increase the maximal amount of players of the same IP getting a payout. Only applies when allow-multiple-accounts is set to false.
max-multiple-accounts: 2
# Optional: Define a server bank account for withdrawing money from that account for the payouts instead of creating money out of nowhere
bank-account: ""
# Payouts will be delivered by "chance" instead "permission".
choose-payout-by-chance: false
# Enable this if you want to add up all lower payouts to the final payout (only relevant when using permissions)
merge-payouts: false
# You can add as many payouts you want. You only can choose between "permission"
# and "chance", not both.
payout_amount: 500
max_payout_per_day: 24000
permission: admin
payout_amount: 600
max_payout_per_day: 28800
permission: vipduck
payout_amount: 650
max_payout_per_day: 31200
permission: +vipduck
payout_amount: 700
max_payout_per_day: 33600
permission: mod
payout_amount: 750
max_payout_per_day: 36000
permission: admin
payout_amount: 800
max_payout_per_day: 38400
permission: upadmin
payout_amount: 900
max_payout_per_day: 43200
permission: capduck
payout_amount: 1000
max_payout_per_day: 48000
permission: genduck
# Translations
message: "&aТы получил свои &c%money% &aза 10 минут в игре! А ты хорош)"
message_payoutlimit_reached: "&aСегодня вы достигли лимита выплат."
message_afk: "&cДумаешь почему ты не получил свои деньги? Так ты стоишь в афк, за что получать?"
message_afk_payout: "&6You earned &c%money% (%percent%% of normal payout) &6for 10 minutes online time while afk!"
message_multiple_ips: "&cТы не получаешь свои деньги, потому что на твоем айпи больше двух устройств на сервере!"
message_actionbar: "&aТы получил &c%money% &aза 10 минут игры!"
message_payoutlimit_reached_actionbar: "&cСегодня ns достиг лимита выплат"
message_afk_actionbar: "&cYou haven't earned money because you were afk!"
message_afk_actionbar_payout: "&6You earned &c%money% &6for 10 minutes online time while afk!"
message_atm_noperms: "&cYou don't have the permission to use ATM's!"
message_atm_nomoneyinbank: "&cУ тебя недостаточно денег в банке!"
message_atm_nomoney: "&cУ тебя недостаточно денег!"
message_atm_nopermbuild: "&cУ тебя нет возможности поставить свой банкомат("
message_atm_created: "&2Банкомат создан! (Напиши что-нибудь на линиях 2-4)"
message_atm_withdrew: "&cВзял &a%s &cс твоего аккаунта."
message_atm_deposited: "&2Добавлено &a%s &2на твой аккаунт."
# Set this to true to send the payout limit reached message only one time once reached
display-payout-limit-reached-message-once: false
# ATM -> Place down a sign with [atm] on the first line to use it!
enable_atm: true
# The label that is drawn on the sign upon placement (keep in mind that ATM signs are tracked using this tag, so choose something "unique")
atm_sign_label: "&cATM"
- 10.0
- 100.0
- 500.0
- 1000.0
- 5000.0
- 10000.0
- 100000.0
# You can seperate the ATM balances for different worlds by group them. Just set group-atms to true and write atm_groups as described below.
# Note: Existing bank accounts will be removed when enabling this feature.
group-atms: false
# Example groups for seperating all worlds:
# group1:
# - world
# group2:
# - world_nether
# group3:
# - world_the_end
# Example groups for seperating skyblock worlds and survival worlds:
# group1:
# - ASkyblock_world
# - Askyblock_spawn
# group2:
# - survival_world
# - farm_world
allow-multiple-accounts: true
# Option to increase the maximal amount of players of the same IP getting a payout. Only applies when allow-multiple-accounts is set to false.
max-multiple-accounts: 2
# Optional: Define a server bank account for withdrawing money from that account for the payouts instead of creating money out of nowhere
bank-account: ""
# Payouts will be delivered by "chance" instead "permission".
choose-payout-by-chance: false
# Enable this if you want to add up all lower payouts to the final payout (only relevant when using permissions)
merge-payouts: false
# You can add as many payouts you want. You only can choose between "permission"
# and "chance", not both.
payout_amount: 500
max_payout_per_day: 24000
permission: admin
payout_amount: 600
max_payout_per_day: 28800
permission: vipduck
payout_amount: 650
max_payout_per_day: 31200
permission: +vipduck
payout_amount: 700
max_payout_per_day: 33600
permission: mod
payout_amount: 750
max_payout_per_day: 36000
permission: admin
payout_amount: 800
max_payout_per_day: 38400
permission: upadmin
payout_amount: 900
max_payout_per_day: 43200
permission: capduck
payout_amount: 1000
max_payout_per_day: 48000
permission: genduck
# Translations
message: "&aТы получил свои &c%money% &aза 10 минут в игре! А ты хорош)"
message_payoutlimit_reached: "&aСегодня вы достигли лимита выплат."
message_afk: "&cДумаешь почему ты не получил свои деньги? Так ты стоишь в афк, за что получать?"
message_afk_payout: "&6You earned &c%money% (%percent%% of normal payout) &6for 10 minutes online time while afk!"
message_multiple_ips: "&cТы не получаешь свои деньги, потому что на твоем айпи больше двух устройств на сервере!"
message_actionbar: "&aТы получил &c%money% &aза 10 минут игры!"
message_payoutlimit_reached_actionbar: "&cСегодня ns достиг лимита выплат"
message_afk_actionbar: "&cYou haven't earned money because you were afk!"
message_afk_actionbar_payout: "&6You earned &c%money% &6for 10 minutes online time while afk!"
message_atm_noperms: "&cYou don't have the permission to use ATM's!"
message_atm_nomoneyinbank: "&cУ тебя недостаточно денег в банке!"
message_atm_nomoney: "&cУ тебя недостаточно денег!"
message_atm_nopermbuild: "&cУ тебя нет возможности поставить свой банкомат("
message_atm_created: "&2Банкомат создан! (Напиши что-нибудь на линиях 2-4)"
message_atm_withdrew: "&cВзял &a%s &cс твоего аккаунта."
message_atm_deposited: "&2Добавлено &a%s &2на твой аккаунт."
# Set this to true to send the payout limit reached message only one time once reached
display-payout-limit-reached-message-once: false
# ATM -> Place down a sign with [atm] on the first line to use it!
enable_atm: true
# The label that is drawn on the sign upon placement (keep in mind that ATM signs are tracked using this tag, so choose something "unique")
atm_sign_label: "&cATM"
- 10.0
- 100.0
- 500.0
- 1000.0
- 5000.0
- 10000.0
- 100000.0
# You can seperate the ATM balances for different worlds by group them. Just set group-atms to true and write atm_groups as described below.
# Note: Existing bank accounts will be removed when enabling this feature.
group-atms: false
# Example groups for seperating all worlds:
# group1:
# - world
# group2:
# - world_nether
# group3:
# - world_the_end
# Example groups for seperating skyblock worlds and survival worlds:
# group1:
# - ASkyblock_world
# - Askyblock_spawn
# group2:
# - survival_world
# - farm_world