Перевод плагина Spartan


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server_name: '&4Another Minecraft Server'
verbose_enable: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &aYou enabled verbose.'
verbose_disable: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &cYou disabled verbose.'
violations_reset: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &cVLs &7have been reset&8!'
config_reload: 'Config reloaded'
kick_reason: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c {reason}'
kick_broadcast_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c {player}&7 was kicked for&4 {reason}'
command_no_access: '&cYou do not have access to this command.'
menu_gui_no_access: '&cYou don''t have permission to do this.'
ping_command_message: '&2{player}&7''s latency&8:&a {ping}ms'
player_not_found_message: '&cPlayer not found.'
non_console_command: '&cThis command can only be used by a player.'
player_violation_reset_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&a Violations successfully reset for
  player&8: &2{player}'
blocked_command_message: '&cYou are not allowed to dispatch that command.'
blocked_word_message: '&cYou are not allowed to type that.'
verbose_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &c{player} failed {detection} (VL: {vls:detection})
  &8[&7(&fVersion: {server:type} {server:version}&7)&8, &7(&fSilent: {silent:detection}&7)&8,
  (&fPing: {ping}ms&7)&8, &7(&fTPS: {tps}&7)&8, &7(&fPlib: {plib}&7)&8, &7(&fAsync:
  {async}&7)&8, &7(&fOnline: {online}&7)&8, &7(&f{info}&7)&8]'
non_existing_check: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &cThis check doesn''t exist.'
massive_command_reason: '&cThe length of the reason is too big.'
check_enable_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &aYou enabled the check&8:&7 {detection}'
check_disable_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &cYou disabled the check&8:&7 {detection}'
warning_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c {reason}'
warning_feedback_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&7 You warned &c{player} &7for&8: &4{reason}'
bypass_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &c{player} &7is now bypassing the &4{detection} &7check
  for &e{time} &7seconds.'
ban_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&7 You banned &c{player} &7for &4{reason}'
unban_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&7 You unbanned &c{player}'
player_not_banned: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c This player is not banned.'
ban_broadcast_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c {player}&7 was banned for&4 {reason}'
ban_reason: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c {reason}'
chat_cooldown_message: '&cPlease wait {time} second(s) until typing again.'
mining_notifications_enable: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &aYou enabled mining notifications.'
mining_notifications_disable: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &cYou disabled mining notifications.'
reconnect_kick_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c Please wait a few seconds before logging
  in back.'
empty_ban_list: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c There are currently no banned moderation.'
command_cooldown_message: '&cPlease wait {time} second(s) until dispatching a command
wave_start_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c The wave is starting.'
wave_end_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c The wave has ended with a total of {total} action(s).'
wave_clear_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c The wave was cleared.'
wave_add_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&a {player} was added to the wave.'
wave_remove_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c {player} was removed from the wave.'
full_wave_list: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c The wave list is full.'
empty_wave_list: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c The wave list is empty.'
wave_not_added_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c {player} is not added to the wave.'
staff_chat_message: '&8[&4Staff Chat&8]&c {player} &e{message}'
staff_chat_character: '@'
report_message: '&a{player} &7reported &c{reported} &7for&8: &4{reason}'
self_report_message: '&cYou can''t report yourself.'
debug_player_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&7 Debugging &6{player}&7''s &e{type}&8: &f{info}'
debug_enable_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&7 Enabled debugging for &6{player}&7''s &e{type}'
debug_disable_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&7 Disabled debugging for &6{player}&7''s &e{type}'
debug_disable_all_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&7 Disabled debugging for &6{player}'
same_message_warning: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c Please avoid sending the same message again.'
player_ip_limit_kick_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c The player limit of your IP has been
disabled_log_saving: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c All log saving options are disabled.'
not_enough_saved_logs: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c Not enough saved logs. Must be at least
  {amount} rows.'
unknown_command: '&fUnknown command. Please type "/help" for help.'
failed_command: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c Command failed. Please check your arguments and
  try again.'
4elenger, держи перевод!
server_name: '&4Название сервера'
verbose_enable: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &aВы включили многословный.'
verbose_disable: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &cВы отключили многословный.'
violations_reset: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &cVLs &7были сброшены&8!'
config_reload: 'Конфиг перезагружен'
kick_reason: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c {reason}'
kick_broadcast_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&cКикнул игрока {player}&7 по причине&4 {reason}'
command_no_access: '&cУ вас нет доступа к этой команде.'
i_no_access: '&cУ вас нет разрешения на это.'
ping_command_message: '&2{player} &7пинг&8:&a {ping}мс'
player_not_found_message: '&cИгрок не найден.'
non_console_command: '&cЭта команда может использоваться только игроком.'
player_violation_reset_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&a Нарушения для игрока &2{player} &aуспешно сброшены&8!'
blocked_command_message: '&cВы не можете отправить эту команду.'
blocked_word_message: '&cВам не разрешено писать это.'
verbose_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &c{player} не смог {detection} (VL: {vls:detection})
  &8[&7(&fVersion: {server:type} {server:version}&7)&8, &7(&fТихий: {silent:detection}&7)&8,
  (&fPing: {ping}ms&7)&8, &7(&fTPS: {tps}&7)&8, &7(&fPlib: {plib}&7)&8, &7(&fАсинхронная:
  {async}&7)&8, &7(&fОнлайн: {online}&7)&8, &7(&f{info}&7)&8]'
non_existing_check: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &cЭта проверка не существует.'
massive_command_reason: '&cДлина причины слишком велика.'
check_enable_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &aВы включили проверку&8:&7 {detection}'
check_disable_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &cВы отключили проверку&8:&7 {detection}'
warning_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c {reason}'
warning_feedback_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&7 Вы предупредили игрока &c{player} &7о&8: &4{reason}'
bypass_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &7Игрок &c{player} &7теперь обходит проверку &4{detection} &7проверки
  на &e{time} &7секунд.'
ban_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&7 Вы забанили &c{player} &7за &4{reason}'
unban_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&7 Вы разбанили &c{player}'
player_not_banned: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c Этот игрок не забанен.'
ban_broadcast_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c {player}&7 был забанен за&4 {reason}'
ban_reason: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c {reason}'
chat_cooldown_message: '&cПожалуйста, подождите {time} секунд, пока не наберете снова.'
mining_notifications_enable: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &aВы включили уведомления о майнинге.'
mining_notifications_disable: '&8[&2Spartan&8] &cВы отключили майнинг-уведомления.'
reconnect_kick_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c Пожалуйста, подождите несколько секунд, прежде чем войти.'
empty_ban_list: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c На данный момент нет запрещенной модерации.'
command_cooldown_message: '&cПожалуйста, подождите {time} секунд, пока не отправите команду снова.'
wave_start_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c Волна начинается.'
wave_end_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c Волна закончилась итоговыми действиями {total} action(s).'
wave_clear_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c Волна была очищена.'
wave_add_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&a {player} был добавлен к волне.'
wave_remove_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c {player} был удален из волны.'
full_wave_list: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c Волновой список полон.'
empty_wave_list: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c Волновой список пуст.'
wave_not_added_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c {player} не добавляется к волне.'
staff_chat_message: '&8[&4Staff Chat&8]&c {player} &e{message}'
staff_chat_character: '@'
report_message: '&a{player} &7сообщил  &c{reported} &7за&8: &4{reason}'
self_report_message: '&cВы не можете сообщить о себе.'
debug_player_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&7 Отладка  &6{player}&7''s &e{type}&8: &f{info}'
debug_enable_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&7 Включена отладка для &6{player}&7''s &e{type}'
debug_disable_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&7 Отключена отладка для &6{player}&7''s &e{type}'
debug_disable_all_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&7 Отключена отладка для &6{player}'
same_message_warning: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c Пожалуйста, не отправляйте то же сообщение снова.'
player_ip_limit_kick_message: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c Предел игрока вашего IP был достиг.'
disabled_log_saving: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c Все параметры сохранения журнала отключены.'
not_enough_saved_logs: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c Не хватает сохраненных логов. Должен быть не менее {amount} строк.'
unknown_command: '&fНеизвестная команда.  Пожалуйста, введите "/help" для помощи.'
failed_command: '&8[&2Spartan&8]&c Команда не выполнена. Пожалуйста, проверьте ваши аргументы и попробуйте еще раз.
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