Перевод плагина OpenAudioMc


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  # The message a client gets when they are not connected but a sound got triggered. this can be disabled under settings
  suggest-connection: '&eYou are currently missing out on some sounds! connect with the audio client via /audio'
  # The message a client receives when a URL is being prepared for them to open the web client
  preparing-session: '&7&oGenerating audio session..'
  # The message the client gets when executing /audio of joins (if send-on-join is enabled)
  click-to-connect: '&bClick here to connect to the online audio client'
  # The message a player receives when a session error occurs
  session-error: '&4an error occurred while generating your audio session. please report the problem and try again later.'
  # A hover message for the click-to-connect message, only appears right before clicking when you mouse over it
  click-to-connect-hover: '&6Minecraft will prompt you to open the web client when you click this message'

  # The message the client gets when their audio link has expired
  click-link-expired: '&3Your link to the audio client has expired. Use /audio to request a new one.'
  # The message a client gets when their web-client has been opened
  client-opened: '&2You are now connected with the audio client!'
  # The message a client gets when their web-client has been closed
  client-closed: '&4You closed the web client!'
  # The message a client gets as warning that they are already connected
  client-already-connected: '&4You are already connected to the web client'

  # Prints the client volume when /volume is ran without arguments
  client-volume: '&6Your current volume is __amount__%&7 (TIP: use /volume 40 to set your volume to 40%)'
  # The message a client gets as confirmation for executing /volume or /vol
  client-volume-change: '&6Your volume has been changed to __amount__%'
  # The message a client gets as warning that they messed up /volume or /vol
  client-volume-invalid: '&4You must enter a number between 0 and 100'
  # The message a client gets as warning that they aren't even connected
  client-not-connected: '&4You need to be connected to the web client to be able to do that'

  # The message a client gets when they have a incoming call
  call-ringing: '&2You have a pending voice call! please check your web client to answer'
  # The message a client gets when their call has ended
  call-left: '&4Your current voice call got ended. You can now talk to yourself in peace again.'
  # The message a client gets when openaudio messed up internally and it's currently recovering
  api-starting-up: '&3The connection is still setting up. Please try again in a few seconds.'
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