- Плагин
- Decent Holograms, LeaderHeads
- Ядро сервера
- Tuinity
- Версия сервера
- 1.19
- Память сервера ОЗУ
- 8Gb
Решил перейти на Decent Holograms с HolographicDisplays И первым же делом начал возвращать прошлые голограммы
С другими всё очень даже хорошо, но топы вообще не работают
Причём в этом скрине я пробовал плейсхолдеры как Hd <> как и обычные %%
Прикола не понял. Помогите
Кфг DH:
кфг в LeaderHeads
С другими всё очень даже хорошо, но топы вообще не работают
Вам необходимо зарегистрироваться для просмотра изображений-вложений
Причём в этом скрине я пробовал плейсхолдеры как Hd <> как и обычные %%
Прикола не понял. Помогите
Кфг DH:
enabled: true
display-range: 48
update-range: 48
update-interval: 20
facing: 0.0
down-origin: false
- lines:
- content: '#d51a1aТ#d01b1bо#cb1d1dп #c71e1e1#c21f1f0 #bd2121б#b82222о#b32424г#ae2525а#aa2626ч#a52828е#a02929й'
height: 0.3
- content: '&c① &c%playerpoints_name_1% &8▸ &c%playerpoints_score_1% &cпоинтов'
height: 0.3
- content: '&a② &a%playerpoints_name_2% &8▸ &a%playerpoints_score_2% &aпоинтов'
height: 0.3
- content: '&e③ &e<playerpoints_name_3> &8▸ &e<playerpoints_score_3> &eпоинтов'
height: 0.3
- content: '&7④ &7<playerpoints_name_4> &8▸ &7<playerpoints_score_4> &7поинтов'
height: 0.3
- content: '&7⑤ &7<playerpoints_name_5> &8▸ &7<playerpoints_score_5> &7поинтов'
height: 0.3
- content: '&7⑥ &7<playerpoints_name_6> &8▸ &7<playerpoints_score_6> &7поинтов'
height: 0.3
- content: '&7⑦ &7<playerpoints_name_7> &8▸ &7<playerpoints_score_7> &7поинтов'
height: 0.3
- content: '&7⑧ &7<playerpoints_name_8> &8▸ &7<playerpoints_score_8> &7поинтов'
height: 0.3
- content: '&7⑨ &7<playerpoints_name_9> &8▸ &7<playerpoints_score_9> &7поинтов'
height: 0.3
- content: '&7⑩ &7<playerpoints_name_10> &8▸ &7<playerpoints_score_10> &7поинтов'
height: 0.3
actions: {}
# -----------------------------------------
# Statistic config
# Name: playerpoints
# Plugin: PlayerPoints
# -----------------------------------------
# Explanation of options:
# force-update: whether the plugin should update the data
# of this statistic even if no sign is made for its leaderboard or not.
# update-interval: the time in seconds between updates of a statistic and leaderboard.
# There's no update-interval for the sub-statistics because these update when the main statistic updates.
# sign-lines: the lines on the sign of the leaderboard. Variables: {rank}, {name}, {amount}
# menu-lines: the lines on the skulls in the menu of the leaderboard
# online-only: whether the plugin should only save this statistic to the database for online players
# -----------------------------------------
force-update: false
online-only: true
- '&c&m------------'
- '&a{name}'
- '&e{amount} points'
- '&c&m------------'
update-interval: 30
menu-enabled: true
menu-command: /toppoints
menu-size: 90
menu-name: '&4Top Points Page {page}'
- '&f&m----&f< &b{rank} &f>&m----'
- '&c&m------------'
- '&a{name}'
- '&e{amount} points'
- '&c&m------------'
- '&c&m------------'
- '&a{name}'
- '&e{amount} points'
- '&c&m------------'
menu-enabled: true
menu-command: /toppointsdaily
menu-size: 90
menu-name: '&4Top Points Page {page} Daily'
- '&f&m----&f< &b{rank} &f>&m----'
- '&c&m------------'
- '&a{name}'
- '&e{amount} points'
- '&c&m------------'
- '&c&m------------'
- '&a{name}'
- '&e{amount} points'
- '&c&m------------'
menu-enabled: true
menu-command: /toppointsweekly
menu-size: 90
menu-name: '&4Top Points Page {page} Weekly'
- '&f&m----&f< &b{rank} &f>&m----'
- '&c&m------------'
- '&a{name}'
- '&e{amount} points'
- '&c&m------------'
- '&c&m------------'
- '&a{name}'
- '&e{amount} points'
- '&c&m------------'
menu-enabled: true
menu-command: /toppointsmonthly
menu-size: 90
menu-name: '&4Top Points Page {page} Monthly'
- '&f&m----&f< &b{rank} &f>&m----'
- '&c&m------------'
- '&a{name}'
- '&e{amount} points'
- '&c&m------------'