Вопрос Как сделать выпадение голов через CMI

      Drop: true
      # Percentage from 0 to 100 for head to be dropped. Decimals are acceptable, like 0.2
      # 100 will mean that head will be dropped every time player kills another player
      # 1 will mean that there is 1% that player will drop head if he is killed by another player
      Percentage: 1.0
      # Percentage from 0 to 100 for lowering chance in getting second head of same player
      # This will reset on each server restart
      LowerChanceOfterDrop: 50.0
      # When enabled player heads will have bigger chance to drop when using tools with looting enchantment
      # Value is in % and it will add appropriate percentage to current drop chance by using drop chance itself
      # For...
      Drop: true
      # Percentage from 0 to 100 for head to be dropped. Decimals are acceptable, like 0.2
      # 100 will mean that head will be dropped every time player kills another player
      # 1 will mean that there is 1% that player will drop head if he is killed by another player
      Percentage: 1.0
      # Percentage from 0 to 100 for lowering chance in getting second head of same player
      # This will reset on each server restart
      LowerChanceOfterDrop: 50.0
      # When enabled player heads will have bigger chance to drop when using tools with looting enchantment
      # Value is in % and it will add appropriate percentage to current drop chance by using drop chance itself
      # For example player who has head drop change of 1% with looting 3 which has 30% bonus will have 1.3% as end value (default values)
      # This only applies for player heads
      # You can add as many levels as you want, simply duplicate line and set new number, in example
      # Lvl33: 35.5
        Enabled: true
        Lvl1: 15.0
        Lvl2: 30.0
        Lvl3: 45.0
      # List of worlds where we should drop player heads. Keep it empty if you want to include all possible ones
      Worlds: []
      Drop: true
      # Percentage from 0 to 100 for head to be dropped. Decimals are acceptable, like 0.2
      # 100 will mean that head will be dropped every time player kills another player
      # 1 will mean that there is 1% that player will drop head if he is killed by another player
      Percentage: 1.0
      # Percentage from 0 to 100 for lowering chance in getting second head of same player
      # This will reset on each server restart
      LowerChanceOfterDrop: 50.0
      # When enabled player heads will have bigger chance to drop when using tools with looting enchantment
      # Value is in % and it will add appropriate percentage to current drop chance by using drop chance itself
      # For example player who has head drop change of 1% with looting 3 which has 30% bonus will have 1.3% as end value (default values)
      # This only applies for player heads
      # You can add as many levels as you want, simply duplicate line and set new number, in example
      # Lvl33: 35.5
        Enabled: true
        Lvl1: 15.0
        Lvl2: 30.0
        Lvl3: 45.0
      # List of worlds where we should drop player heads. Keep it empty if you want to include all possible ones
      Worlds: []
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