Socialismus | Общайся на новом уровне

Для ядра Socialismus | Общайся на новом уровне 1.3.9

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# 0 - Standard information
# 1 - Debug mode
# 2 - Debug mode but with much more information
log-level: 0
# This option allows you to disable or enable the update checker, which checks
# for updates every hour.
update-checker: true
# In this section you can disable or enable the desired module.
#  true - enabled
#  false - disabled
  # The chat module changes the behaviour of the vanilla Minecraft chat and adds
  # more formatting and customization, allowing you to create several different
  # chat with different requirements and styles.
  chats: true
  # Swapper module adds to your chat message shortcuts, emojis or anything you
  # can imagine.
    enabled: true
    # Suggests swappers in chat (only for swappers without regex).
    # *Works only if ProtocolLib is installed*
    suggest: true
  # Bubble chat is a module that changes the way players chat with each other.
  # It adds a bubble (hologram) with a message from the chat over the player's head.
  # *Works only if ProtocolLib is installed*
  bubblechat: true
  # The announcer module allows you to create announcements that will be displayed
  # on the server. You can create as many announcements as you want and set the
  # time interval between them.
  announcer: true
  # The chat mention module allows you to mention a player in the chat by typing
  # @playername. The player will receive a notification that he has been mentioned.
  # *It is recommended to enable it for chat OR bubbles, not both*
    # Enable for chats allows you to enable or disable whether the module should work
    # in the chat.
    enable-for-chats: true
    # Enable for bubbles allows you to enable or disable whether the module should work
    # in the bubbles.
    enable-for-bubbles: true
# In this section, you can switch the plugin's behavior mode, which
# can impact its performance and usage of resources.
#  true - enabled
#  false - disabled
  caching: true
# command: allows you to change the command and its aliases by printing all
# aliases separated by | symbol.
# permission: needed right for player/staff to use this specific command and
# aliases. You can leave it empty to disable it.
# syntax: this parameter is printed if the command is used incorrectly.
# enabled: almost all commands can be enabled or disabled with this option.
  command: "socialismus|social"
  permission: "socialismus.player"
  sub-command: "reload"
  permission: "socialismus.reload"
  enabled: true
  sub-command: "announce|broadcast|bc"
  permission: "socialismus.announce"
  syntax: "[announcement id]"
  enabled: true
  command: "msg|w|reply"
  permission: "socialismus.player"
  syntax: "[recipient] [message]"
  enabled: true
  sub-command: "bubble"
  permission: "socialismus.bubble"
  syntax: "[message]"
  enabled: true
  # Set 'no-online-players: null' to disable the message
  no-online-players: "<gold>ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟɪꜱᴍᴜꜱ <dark_gray>| <white>Nobody received your message because there are no players on the server."
  # Set 'no-nearby-players: null' to disable the message
  no-nearby-players: " <gold>ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟɪꜱᴍᴜꜱ <dark_gray>| <white>No one has heard you."
  insufficient-players: " <gold>ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟɪꜱᴍᴜꜱ <dark_gray>| <white>There must be at least {minOnline} players on the server to send a message to this chat"
  no-use-permission: " <gold>ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟɪꜱᴍᴜꜱ <dark_gray>| <white>You've no permission to <red>send<white> a message"
  too-small-message: " <gold>ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟɪꜱᴍᴜꜱ <dark_gray>| <white>Your message is too short to be sent."
  forbidden-world: " <gold>ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟɪꜱᴍᴜꜱ <dark_gray>| <white>You can't chat in this world."
  no-use-permission: " <gold>ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟɪꜱᴍᴜꜱ <dark_gray>| <white>You <red>don't have permission <white>to use that swapper"
  # Set 'noSendPermission: null' to disable the message
  no-use-permission: " <gold>ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟɪꜱᴍᴜꜱ <dark_gray>| <white>You've no permission to <red>send<white> a bubble message"
  too-small-message: " <gold>ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟɪꜱᴍᴜꜱ <dark_gray>| <white>Your message is too short to be sent."
  forbidden-world: " <gold>ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟɪꜱᴍᴜꜱ <dark_gray>| <white>You can't bubble in this world."
  only-for-player: " <gold>ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟɪꜱᴍᴜꜱ <dark_gray>| <white>This command can only be used by players."
  wrong-syntax: " <gold>ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟɪꜱᴍᴜꜱ <dark_gray>| <white>You used the command <red>incorrectly."
  unknown-command: " <gold>ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟɪꜱᴍᴜꜱ <dark_gray>| <white>You used a command that <red>doesn't <white>exist."
  error-occurred: "An error occurred while executing the command."
  missing-argument: " <gold>ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟɪꜱᴍᴜꜱ <dark_gray>| <white>You did not <red>specify the required argument <white>to execute the command."
  player-not-found: " <gold>ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟɪꜱᴍᴜꜱ <dark_gray>| <white>Player could not be found because he is offline or does not exist."
  same-player: " <gold>ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟɪꜱᴍᴜꜱ <dark_gray>| <white>You cannot use this player in this scenario."
    description: "Help command"
    command-format: "  <yellow>{command}<gray>{subCommand} <dark_gray>- <white>{description}"
      - " "
      - " <green><bold>Command help <reset><gray>[List of commands]"
      - "{commands}"
      - " "
    description: "Reloads plugin configuration"
    reloaded-successfully: "Configs were successfully reloaded"
    description: "Announces a message to the server"
    no-announcement: "No announcement with that id was found"
    announce: "Announcing announcement"
    description: "Send player a private message"
    format: "{senderName} -> {recipientName}: {message}"
    description: "Send a message in a bubble."
    success: " <gold>ꜱᴏᴄɪᴀʟɪꜱᴍᴜꜱ <dark_gray>| <white>You sent a message in a bubble."
# Here you can create as many Chats as you like.
# chats:
#   Here you can specify a chat id, it should be unique and not used in any other chat.
#   - id: "example"
#     Here you can specify how you want to use the chat.
#     usage:
#       In type you need to specify the method that will be used to trigger the chat.
#       Possible values:
#         - SYMBOL (using a symbol in the chat)
#         - COMMAND (using a command)
#         - SYMBOL_COMMAND (combining these 2 options)
#       type: SYMBOL_COMMAND
#       symbol: "!"
#       command: "example"
#     Message Format allows you to specify the design of the final message that will be shown
#     to the players. You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders, MiniMessage formatting and
#     internal {playerName}/{message} placeholders.
#     message-format: "<red>{playerName}: <white>{message}"
#     In this list, you can specify what and how to show players when they hover their mouse
#     over the message format. You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders and MiniMessage formatting
#     hover-format:
#       - "<green>Oh look at that!"
#       - "<red>Oh look at that!"
#     Here you can specify the requirements for using this chat.
#     requirements:
#       This option allows you to disable requirements check, it is advised to think about if you
#       need the requirements or not, because if you disable the performance will be much better.
#       enabled: true
#       sender:
#         This option allows you to specify the minimum online players required to use this chat.
#         min-online: 0
#         Here you can set a number of symbols that players must write to be able to send this
#         message in this chat.
#         symbol-count-threshold: 0
#         Here you can specify the permission that the player must have to use this chat.
#         use-permission: ""
#         Here you can specify the worlds in which the player can use this chat.
#         worlds:
#           - "world"
#           - "world_nether"
#           - "world_the_end"
#       recipient:
#         This option allows you to specify the radius in which the player will see the message.
#         radius: -1
#         This option allows you to specify whether the player will see his own message.
#         see-own-message: true
#         This option allows you to specify the permission that the player must have to see this
#         see-permission: ""
#         Here you can specify the worlds in which the player can see this chat.
#         worlds:
#           - "world"
#           - "world_nether"
#           - "world_the_end"
  - id: "global"
      type: SYMBOL_COMMAND
      symbol: ""
      command: "global"
    message-format: "<gold><bold><insertion:/global message>G</insertion><reset> <dark_gray>| <gray><click:run_command:/tpa {playerName>%luckperms_prefix%{playerName}</click>: <white>{message}"
    enable-swapper: true
      enabled: true
      mention-self: false
      mention-all: false
      mention-nearby: false
      max-mentions: 5
      radius: 100
      - " "
      - "<dark_gray> Information"
      - "<gray>  Message was sent at: <gold>%player_world_time_24%"
      - " "
      - "<gray>  World: <gold>%player_world_name%"
      - "<gray>  XYZ: <gold>%player_location_x%, %player_location_y%, %player_location_z%"
      - " "
      enabled: true
        min-online: 0
        symbol-count-threshold: 0
        use-permission: ""
        worlds: []
        radius: -1
        see-own-message: true
        see-permission: ""
        worlds: []
# - whereareiam:
# Preface, it was described earlier that you can use this to create shortcuts for
# messages or emojis. But all functionality is not limited to that, you can create
# much more, it only depends on your imagination.
# If you have any suggestions for improvements to this module, please feel free to
# post a suggestion on the github page.
# Here you can create as many Swappers as you like.
# swappers:
#   Swapper toggle allows you to specify if it is enabled and if it is usable for players,
#   a good option if you need to temporarily disable it instead of deleting it.
#   - enabled: true
#     Content allows you to specify a list of content to replace a placeholder with.
#     You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders and MiniMessage formatting.
#     content:
#       - "example1"
#       - "%player_name% is <gold><bold>amazing<reset>!"
#       - "%itemsadder_my_super_custom_symbol%"
#     Here you can specify the content that will be displayed when the mouse is hovered
#     over the replaced placeholder.
#     You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders and MiniMessage formatting.
#     content-hover:
#       - "<green>Oh look at that!"
#     Swapper's settings allow you to customize how it will behave.
#     settings:
#       Here you can specify what permission a player needs to use this swapper. If the
#       required permission is not given, the player will get a message if it is not set to null.
#       Set 'permission: ""' to disable permission check.
#       permission: "privilege.2"
#       The Direct Search option controls how the search works. If you set it to true, it will
#       search exactly for this placeholder and will not care if it is in the middle of a text
#       or not.
#       EXAMPLE
#         Our text is: "I like bananas".
#         Our placeholder is: "an".
#         The content is: "wow!"
#         In the end, our text will change to this:
#         "I like bwow!wow!as".
#       direct-search: true
#       The Random content option controls the behavior of the content list. If you set it to
#       true, it will grab any value from content and insert it instead of a placeholder. If
#       you set it to true, it will grab any value from content and insert it instead of a
#       placeholder. If you set it to false, the first content will be grabbed and inserted
#       instead of the placeholder.
#       If you want to use regex patterns in your placeholder, change this option to true and
#       add $ to the beginning of your regex pattern in the placeholder list.
#       random-content: true
#     A list of placeholders that will be replaced with content from the list above.
#     placeholders:
#       - "{example}"
#       - "$(banana|bananas)"
#       - ":lol:"
#     Here you can set requirements for using this swapper.
#     requirements:
#       enabled: true
#       use-permission: "swapper.test"
  - enabled: true
      - ":)"
    content-hover: []
      - "{happy}"
      direct-search: true
      random-content: false
      enabled: false
      use-permission: ""
  - enabled: true
      - ":("
    content-hover: []
      - "{sad}"
      direct-search: true
      random-content: false
      enabled: false
      use-permission: ""
  - enabled: true
      - "<3"
    content-hover: []
      - "{love}"
      direct-search: true
      random-content: false
      enabled: false
      use-permission: ""
  - enabled: true
      - ":D"
    content-hover: []
      - "{laugh}"
      direct-search: true
      random-content: false
      enabled: false
      use-permission: ""
  - enabled: true
      - ":'("
    content-hover: []
      - "{cry}"
      direct-search: true
      random-content: false
      enabled: false
      use-permission: ""
  - enabled: true
      - ">:("
    content-hover: []
      - "{angry}"
      direct-search: true
      random-content: false
      enabled: false
      use-permission: ""
  - enabled: true
      - ":O"
    content-hover: []
      - "{surprised}"
      direct-search: true
      random-content: false
      enabled: false
      use-permission: ""
  - enabled: true
      - ":/"
    content-hover: []
      - "{confused}"
      direct-search: true
      random-content: false
      enabled: false
      use-permission: ""
  - enabled: true
      - ":)"
    content-hover: []
      - "{excited}"
      direct-search: true
      random-content: false
      enabled: false
      use-permission: ""
  - enabled: true
      - ":|"
    content-hover: []
      - "{bored}"
      direct-search: true
      random-content: false
      enabled: false
      use-permission: ""
# Settings section allows you to customise how the TextDisplay entity behaves.
  # Trigger type specifies the way the bubble message is triggered.
  # Available values: CHAT, COMMAND, CHAT_COMMAND
  trigger-type: CHAT
  # Alignment type specifies to which border side the message will be floated.
  # Available values: LEFT, RIGHT and CENTER.
  alignment-type: CENTER
  # Display type is the way the bubble with the message follows the player's gaze.
  # Available values: FIXED, VERTICAL, HORIZONTAL and CENTER.
  display-type: VERTICAL
  #  Enable swapper allows you to enable or disable the swapper.
  enable-swapper: true
  # The See Through option controls how the bubble will behave behind a structure.
  # Available values:
  # true - you will see the bubble behind a block (Armor stand behaviour)
  # false - false - you will not see the bubble behind a block.
  see-through: false
  # The line width options allow you to specify the width of a single line.
  # 100 corresponds to 16 symbols per line.
  line-width: 100
  # Line Count allows you to limit the number of lines to display.
  # You can write a number from 1 to infinite here
  line-count: 5
  # This setting represents the distance between a bubble message and the player's head.
  # You can set a value from 0 to infinite.
  head-distance: 1
  # This setting allows you to adjust how much time is given to read a single symbol, resulting
  # in the main display time being calculated for the entire bubble message.
  # Example:
  #  "I love bananas!" - has 13 symbols, so we multiply 13 by 0.1 and we get 1.3 seconds
  #  to display this message.
  time-per-symbol: 0.1
  # This setting controls a part of the behaviour of the previous one. Here you can set the
  # minimum time a player has to read a message. For example, if we have calculated 1.3
  # seconds, it would not be used, instead the 2 seconds from this option would be used.
  minimum-time: 1.5
  # Display scale allows you to adjust the scale of the bubble.
    x: 1.0
    y: 1.0
    z: 1.0
  # This setting allows you to set the maximum number of mentions in a single message.
  max-mentions: 5
# Format section allows you to change the design as it would be displayed.
  # The Start Message Format allows you to customise how the start message is displayed.
  # You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders, MiniMessage formatting and internal
  # {playerName}/{message} placeholders.
  start-message-format: "{playerName}: {message}"
  # This option is similar to the previous one, but is used for starting messages in the queue.
  # You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders, MiniMessage formatting and internal
  # {playerName}/{message} placeholders.
  queue-message-format: "...{message}"
  # If a message doesn't fit into a single bubble, it will be cut off and printed in the next
  # bubble. Here you can adjust how the cut is displayed.
  # You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders and MiniMessage formatting.
  cut-message-format: "..."
  # At the end of a single bubble or queue, you can add a message to the end.
  # You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders and MiniMessage formatting.
  end-message-format: "."
  # This option allows you to specify the color of the background. Doesn't work
  # if opacity is set to 0. You must use the RGB format.
  background-color: "#FFFF00"
  # Adjust the opacity of your background colour or turn off the background.
  # Values from 0 to 255 are available. (Set 0 to disable)
  background-opacity: 0
  # This option allows you to add a beautiful shadow to your text.
  # If set to true, it will be displayed.
  text-shadow: false
# In the Requirement section, you can specify what your players need in order
# to be able to send or receive a bubble message.
  enabled: true
    use-permission: "socialismus.bubblechat.use"
    # This requirement allows you to specify how many symbols are required to
    # display a bubble message. If the condition is not met, the bubble message
    # will not be displayed.
    symbol-count-threshold: 5
      - "world"
      - "world_nether"
      - "world_the_end"
    see-permission: null
    see-own-bubble: true
# Here you can create as many Announcers as you like.
# announcers:
#   - enabled: true
#     Here you can specify how often the announcer will send an announcement.
#     interval: 60
#     Here you can specify how the announcer will select the messages.
#     Possible values:
#       - RANDOM (selects a random message)
#       - SEQUENTIAL (selects the next message in the list)
#     selection-type: SEQUENTIAL
#     Here you can specify the announcement ID that the announcer will send.
#     announcements:
#       - "example0"
#       - "example1"
  - enabled: true
    interval: 10
    selection-type: SEQUENTIAL
      - "example"
# Here you can create as many Announcements as you like.
# announcements:
#   Here you can specify an announcement id, it should be unique and not used in any other announcement.
#   - id: "example"
#     Here you can specify if the announcement is enabled or not.
#     enabled: true
#     Here you can specify the message that will be sent to the players.
#     message:
#       - "<red>Example Announcement"
#       - "<green>Example Announcement"
#     Here you can specify the settings for the announcement.
#     settings:
#       This option allows you to specify the delay between sending messages.
#       delay: 0
#       This option allows you to specify if the announcement will be sent repeatedly.
#       repeat: true
#       This option allows you to specify the worlds in which the announcement will be sent.
#       worlds:
#         - "world"
#         - "world_nether"
#     Here you can specify the requirements for sending this announcement.
#     requirements:
#       This option allows you to disable requirements check, it is advised to think about if you
#       need the requirements or not, because if you disable the performance will be much better.
#       enabled: true
#       This option allows you to specify the permission that the player must have to receive this
#       permission: ""
#       This option allows you to specify the worlds in which the player can receive this announcement.
#       worlds:
#         - "world"
#         - "world_nether"
  - id: "example"
    enabled: true
      - "<red>This is an example announcement"
      - "<red>You can edit this in announcer/example.yml"
      delay: 10
      repeat: true
      enabled: true
      permission: ""
        - "world"
        - "world_nether"
        - "world_the_end"
# What is Chat Mention?
# It is a module that allows your players to mention other players in chat.
# It is very simple and easy to use, just type '@' and the name of the player you want to
# mention and the module will take care of the rest.
# Here you can create as many formats as you like.
# formats:
#  Here you can specify if the format is enabled or not
#  - enabled: true
#    Here you can specify permission to use this format, if the player does not have
#    the required permission, the format will not be used.
#    *You can leave it empty to disable permission check*
#    permission: "privilege.3"
#    Format that will be used when the player mentions another player.
#    Don't forget to close the tags, otherwise the text will not be displayed correctly.
#    *You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders and MiniMessage formatting*
#    format: "<yellow><bold>@{playerName}</bold></yellow>"
#    Here you can specify how the hover when you put the mouse over the mentioned player
#    hover-format:
#      - "Player {playerName} was mentioned!"
# Here you can specify how the mentioned player will be notified.
# notifications:
#   Here you can specify if the notification is enabled or not
#   - enabled: true
#     Here you can specify permission to use this notification, if the player does not have
#     the required permission, the notification will not be used.
#     *You can leave it empty to disable permission check*
#     permission: "privilege.3"
#     Here you can specify the types of notifications that will be used.
#     Available types:
#       - ACTION_BAR
#       - BOSS_BAR
#       - CHAT
#       - SOUND
#       - TITLE
#     You can specify the order in which the notifications will be sent.
#     types:
#       - TITLE
#       - SOUND
#     action-bar:
#       Here you can specify the message that will be displayed in the action bar.
#       message: "{mentionerName} mentioned you!"
#     boss-bar:
#       Here you can specify the message that will be displayed in the boss bar.
#       message: "{mentionerName} mentioned you!"
#       Here you can specify the color. Available colors:
#       color: RED
#       Here you can specify the style. Available styles:
#       style: SOLID
#       Here you can specify the duration how long the boss bar will be displayed.
#       duration: 30
#     chat:
#       Here you can specify the message that will be displayed in the chat.
#       message: "{mentionerName} mentioned you!"
#     sound:
#       Here you can specify the sound that will be played.
#       Here you can specify the volume of the sound.
#       volume: 1.0
#       Here you can specify the pitch of the sound.
#       pitch: 1.0
#     title:
#       Here you can specify the title that will be displayed.
#       title: "{mentionerName} mentioned you!"
#       Here you can specify the subtitle that will be displayed.
#       subtitle: ""
#       Here you can specify the fade in time in milliseconds.
#       fadeIn: 10
#       Here you can specify the stay time in milliseconds.
#       stay: 30
#       Here you can specify the fade out time in milliseconds.
#       fadeOut: 10
  - enabled: true
    permission: ""
    format: "<red>@{playerName}</red>"
      - "<gray>Player @{playerName} is mentioned in chat"
  - enabled: true
    permission: ""
      - TITLE
      - SOUND
      message: "{mentionerName} mentioned you in chat!"
      color: RED
      style: PROGRESS
      duration: 30
      message: "You were mentioned!"
      message: "{mentionerName} mentioned you in chat!"
      volume: 1.0
      pitch: 1.0
      title: "You were mentioned!"
      subtitle: "{mentionerName} mentioned you in chat!"
      fade-in: 10
      stay: 70
      fade-out: 20
  self-mention-permission: ""
  # Here you can specify a permission that will limit the amount of mentions a player can do.
  # Example: will limit the player to 3 mentions per message.
  max-mention-permission: ""
    # Here you can specify the permission required to use the @all tag.
    permission: ""
    # Here you can specify the tags that will be used to mention all players.
      - "@all"
      - "@everyone"
    # Here you can specify the format that will be used to tag everyone.
    # You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders, MiniMessage formatting and internal
    # {usedTag} placeholder.
    format: "<red>{usedTag}</red>"
    # Here you can specify the permission required to use the tag.
    permission: ""
    # Here you can specify the tags that will be used to mention nearby players.
      - "@nearby"
      - "@near"
    # Here you can specify the format that will be used to tag nearby players.
    # You can use PlaceholderAPI placeholders, MiniMessage formatting and internal
    # {usedTag} placeholder.
    format: "<yellow>{usedTag}</yellow>"

Если нужна помощь, пишите мне в Discord (whereareiam) или Telegram (
ProtocolLib (Опционально), PlaceholderAPI (Опционально)
Исходный код
Команды и права
Всё можно настроить в файле commands.yml по желанию.
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  1. 1.3.9 | Поддержка 1.21.1

    Что изменилось: Поддержка 1.21.1 и некоторых будущих версий. Если вы обнаружили какие-либо...
  2. 1.3.8 | Поддержка 1.20.6 и 1.21

    Что изменилось: Поддержка версии 1.20.6 и 1.21. Обновлены библиотеки. Исправлены ошибки...
  3. 1.3.7 | Исправление ошибок и улучшения

    Что изменилось: Теперь плагин требует Java 21 для работы. Устаревшие HEX коды теперь...

Последние рецензии

Пользуюсь плагином давно, автор я заметил даже добавил пару моих идей, да и я с ним в тг связывался, помогает на вопросы отвечает +rep
Лучше чем Flecton и Chatty, но не хватает поддержки старых версий.
Поддержка старых версий отсутствует, так как в версиях ниже 1.19.2 отсутствует TextDisplay, используемый для голограмм в чате над головой.
Лучше говнофлектона и удобнее Чатти, автор молодец!
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