Перевод и оформление плагина LiteBans Premium

Перевод плагина Перевод и оформление плагина LiteBans Premium 2024-09-08

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  1. 1.7
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  9. 1.15
  10. 1.16
  11. 1.17
  12. 1.18
  13. 1.19
  14. 1.20
Перевод и красивое оформление плагина LiteBans [Premium] [Paid]
/ban [Игрок] freeze - Заморозить аккаунт игроку
/ban [Игрок] disable - Заблокировать вход игроку

# LiteBans messages.yml generated by version 2.13.3
# The following variables can be used in most messages that involve a punishment:
# Punishment specific variables
# $id - The ID of the punishment in the database.
# $idRandom - The ID of the punishment in the database, converted to a randomized, unpredictable, but fully reversible ID (example: 18535006 -> bdd405527). Secrets for this variable are stored in config.yml.
# $type - Type of punishment - ban, mute, warn, kick.
# $reason - the reason for the punishment
# $executor - the moderator's name, or their display name (/nick) if this is enabled in the configuration
# $executorUUID - the moderator's UUID
# $removalReason - the reason this punishment was removed (via /unban), if applicable
# $permanent - whether this punishment is permanent
# $ipban - whether this is an IP-ban
# $silent - whether this punishment was executed silently (-s)
# $active - whether this punishment is active
# Affected player specific variables
# $playerDisplayName - player display name. If display names are not enabled in the configuration or if the player's display name is not available in the message's context, the player's regular name will be used instead.
# $playerName - player name
# $playerUUID - UUID of affected player
# $playerIP - IP of affected player
# $playerServer - server of affected player - only accurate if they are online.
# $playerLoginDate - Last login date of affected player
# $playerBans - the amount of bans this player has received
# $playerMutes - the amount of mutes this player has received
# $playerWarnings - the amount of warnings this player has received
# $playerKicks - the amount of kicks this player has received
# $geoip - Country of affected player, requires GeoIP to be enabled in the configuration, won't work with imported bans
# Servers
# These variables represent a server.
# If the plugin is installed on Spigot, a server is represented by the "server_name" option in config.yml.
# If the plugin is installed on BungeeCord, a server is represented by their name in the "servers" section in the proxy's config.yml.
# $serverScope - the scope of the punishment (the server(s) it will affect)
# $serverOrigin - the origin of the punishment (the server/subserver it was placed on)
# Dates
# Example format: "2017-02-03", depends on time_format
# $dateStart - date the punishment was placed
# $dateEnd - date the punishment will expire, "forever" if permanent
# $dateRemoved - date the punishment was removed on, if applicable
# Durations
# Example format: "20 days, 5 hours, 2 minutes". If permanent, "forever", if expired, "expired" (both are configurable).
# $duration - time until expiry
# $originalDuration - the full duration of the punishment.
# $timeSince - time since placement
# Configured message variables
# These variables represent messages in this configuration (messages.yml)
# $base - banned_message_base
# $appealMessage - banned_message_appeal_message
# Global variables
# $activeBans, $activeMutes, $activeWarnings - total number of global active punishments
# $totalBans, $totalMutes, $totalWarnings, $totalKicks - total number of global punishments (including inactive ones)
# Chat variables
# $playerPrefix - Chat prefix of affected player
# $playerSuffix - Chat suffix of affected player
# $executorPrefix - Chat prefix of executor
# $executorSuffix - Chat suffix of executor
# Any message can be disabled by setting it to "". Empty messages will not be sent by the plugin.
# New lines can be added to any message using "\n" (example: "Line 1 \n Line 2").
# Hex colours are supported in all messages ("#AABBCC", "&#AABBCC")
# Hover text requires permission "litebans.json.hover_text" to view, players lacking permission will see messages without hover text.
# JSON example:
# muted: '&cYou are muted! {hoverText: #FF9900Reason: $reason \n&7$duration remaining}'
# Customizing Formats (The Java™ Tutorials > Internationalization > Formatting)
# Example time format with hours + minutes:
# time_format: 'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm'
# Example locales: [en, fr, de] (system locale is used by default)
locale: system
time_format: dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm
default_ban_reason: Не указана
default_mute_reason: Не указана
default_unban_reason: Не указана
default_unmute_reason: Не указана
default_unwarn_reason: Не указана
banned_message_base: |
&#1fb6eesᴇʀᴠᴇʀ ɴᴀᴍᴇ [Mᴏжʜᴏ измᴇʜить/ʏдᴀлить ʙ ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇs.ʏᴍʟ]

&f&k| &fВы были заблокированы на этом сервере &f&k|

&fВас заблокировал: &#1fb6ee$executor
&fПричина блокировки: &#1fb6ee$reason&f

&fДата блокировки: &#1fb6ee$dateStart&f
banned_message: "$base &fСрок блокировки: &#1fb6ee$duration\n&fДата окончания блок\
ировки: &#1fb6ee$dateEnd \n$appealMessage"
banned_message_permanent: |-
$base &fДата окончания блокировки: &#1fb6eeНикогда
banned_message_appeal_message: |2-

&fКупить разбан можно на сайте: &#1fb6eeᴄᴀйт ᴄᴇᴘʙᴇᴘᴀ [мᴏжʜᴏ измᴇʜить ʙ ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇs.ʏᴍʟ]
banned_message_geoip_blacklist: |-
&cYou are banned from this server!&f

Your location is blacklisted: $geoip
bungee_switch_banned: |-
&cYou are banned on $serverScope! Reason:
muted: "&f\n&f &fВы были замучены и не можете писать в чат!\n\n&f &fМут истечёт\
\ через: &#1fb6ee$duration \n&f &fПричина мута: &#1fb6ee$reason\n&f"
muted_permanent: "&f\n&f &fВы были замучены и не можете писать в чат!\n\n&f &fДа\
та истечения мута: &#1fb6eeНикогда \n&f &fПричина мута: &#1fb6ee$reason\n&f"
warned_join: '&cYou have new warnings:'
warned_join_entry: |-
&4 - Warned by &c$executor&4: &c$reason
&4(&c$timeSince ago&4)
banned_player_join: \n&f &fИгрок &#1fb6ee$player&f пытался зайти, но он заблокирован
&#1fb6ee($duration)! \n
banned_geoip_blacklist: '&c$player&f tried to join, but is blacklisted ($geoip)!'
permission_error: \n&f &fУ Вас нет прав для использования этого \n
error_no_template_provided: '&cYou must provide a template for this punishment!'
error_no_reason_provided: \n&f &fУкажите причину наказания \n
error_no_reason_removal: '&cYou must provide a reason to remove this punishment!'
error_no_sql_connection: '&cLiteBans is not connected to a database!'
error_no_uuid_found: \n&f &fТакого игрока не существует \n
error_no_duration: \n&f &fНе указано время для наказания \n
error_console_only: \n&f &fДанную команду можно выполнять только из консоли \n
duration_limit_error: '\n&f &fМаксимальная длительность: &#1fb6ee$duration \n'
internal_error: '&cAn internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command.'
usage: |-
&f &fИспользование: &#1fb6ee/ban &f[&#1fb6eeИгрок&f] [&#1fb6eeВремя&f] [&#1fb6eeПричина&f]
example: ''
silent_prefix: \n&f &f[&#1fb6eeСКРЫТЫЙ&f] \n
broadcast_ban: "&f\n&f &fИгрок &#1fb6ee$executor &fнавсегда заблокировал игро\
ка &#1fb6ee$bannedPlayer&f {hoverText: \n &fПричина: &#1fb6ee$reason\n &fБло\
кировка по IP: &#1fb6ee$ipban\n\n &fДата блокировки: &#1fb6ee$dateStart \n &fС\
рок блокировки: &#1fb6eeНавсегда \n }&f[&#1fb6eeПОДРОБНЕЕ&f] \n"
broadcast_tempban: "&f\n&f &fИгрок &#1fb6ee$executor &fвременно заблокировал\
\ игрока &#1fb6ee$bannedPlayer&f {hoverText: \n &fПричина: &#1fb6ee$reason\n\
\ &fБлокировка по IP: &#1fb6ee$ipban\n\n &fСрок блокировки: &#1fb6ee$duration\n\
\ &fДата блокировки: &#1fb6ee$dateStart\n &fОкочание блокировки: &#1fb6ee$dateEnd\
\ \n}&f[&#1fb6eeПОДРОБНЕЕ&f] \n"
broadcast_ip_ban: "&f\n&f &fИгрок &#1fb6ee$executor &fнавсегда заблокировал и\
грока &#1fb6ee$bannedPlayer&f {hoverText: \n &fПричина: &#1fb6ee$reason\n &fБ\
локировка по IP: &#1fb6ee$ipban\n\n &fДата блокировки: &#1fb6ee$dateStart \n\
\ &fСрок блокировки: &#1fb6eeНавсегда \n }&f[&#1fb6eeПОДРОБНЕЕ&f] \n"
broadcast_temp_ip_ban: "&f\n&f &fИгрок &#1fb6ee$executor &fвременно заблокиро\
вал игрока &#1fb6ee$bannedPlayer&f {hoverText: \n &fПричина: &#1fb6ee$reason\n\
\ &fБлокировка по IP: &#1fb6ee$ipban\n\n &fСрок блокировки: &#1fb6ee$duration\n\
\ &fДата блокировки: &#1fb6ee$dateStart\n &fОкочание блокировки: &#1fb6ee$dateEnd\
\ \n}&f[&#1fb6eeПОДРОБНЕЕ&f] \n"
previous_ban_removed: \n&f &fПредыдущее наказание игрока &#1fb6ee$bannedPlayer
&fбыло убрано \n
previous_ban_existing: \n&f &fИгрок &#1fb6ee$bannedPlayer &fуже заблокирован
unban_fail: \n&f &fЭтот игрок не заблокирован \n
no_override: \n&f &fЭтот игрок уже заблокирован \n
exempt: \n&f &fВы не можете заблокировать этого игрока \n
cooldown: \n&f &fПодождите &#1fb6ee$duration &fперед использованием этой команды
response: ''
modify_success: \n&f &fНаказание успешно скорректировано \n
ip_hidden: '[IP Address]'
unban_usage: '\n&f &fИспользование: &#1fb6ee$command [Игрок] \n'
broadcast_unban: \n&f &fИгрок &#1fb6ee$executor &fразблокировал игрока &#1fb6ee$playerName
unban_queued: \n&f &fЭтот игрок не заблокирован \n
usage: '\n&f &fИспользование: &#1fb6ee$command &f[&#1fb6eeИгрок&f] [&#1fb6eeВремя&f]
[&#1fb6eeПричина&f] \n'
example: ''
broadcast: "&f\n&f &fИгрок &#1fb6ee$executor &fнавсегда замутил игрока &#1fb6ee$player&f\
\ {hoverText: \n &fПричина: &#1fb6ee$reason\n &fМут по IP: &#1fb6ee$ipban\n\n\
\ &fДата мута: &#1fb6ee$dateStart \n}&f[&#1fb6eeПОДРОБНЕЕ&f] \n"
broadcast_tempmute: "&f\n&f &fИгрок &#1fb6ee$executor &fвременно замутил игро\
ка &#1fb6ee$player&f {hoverText: \n &fПричина: &#1fb6ee$reason\n &fМут по IP:\
\ &#1fb6ee$ipban\n\n &fСрок мута: &#1fb6ee$duration\n &fДата мута: &#1fb6ee$dateStart\n\
\ &fОкочание мута: &#1fb6ee$dateEnd \n}&f[&#1fb6eeПОДРОБНЕЕ&f] \n"
broadcast_ip_mute: "&f\n&f &fИгрок &#1fb6ee$executor &fнавсегда замутил игрок\
а &#1fb6ee$player&f {hoverText: \n &fПричина: &#1fb6ee$reason\n &fМут по IP:\
\ &#1fb6ee$ipban\n\n &fДата мута: &#1fb6ee$dateStart \n}&f[&#1fb6eeПОДРОБНЕЕ\
&f] \n"
broadcast_temp_ip_mute: "&f\n&f &fИгрок &#1fb6ee$executor &fвременно замутил\
\ игрока &#1fb6ee$player&f {hoverText: \n &fПричина: &#1fb6ee$reason\n &fМут\
\ по IP: &#1fb6ee$ipban\n\n &fСрок мута: &#1fb6ee$duration\n &fДата мута: &#1fb6ee$dateStart\n\
\ &fОкочание мута: &#1fb6ee$dateEnd \n}&f[&#1fb6eeПОДРОБНЕЕ&f] \n"
message: |-
&f &fВы были замучены игроком &#1fb6ee$executor&4 {hoverText: \n &fПричина: &#1fb6ee$reason\n &fМут по IP: &#1fb6ee$ipban\n\n &fДата мута: &#1fb6ee$dateStart\n &fОкочание мута: &#1fb6ee$dateEnd \n}&f[&#1fb6eeПОДРОБНЕЕ&f].
message_permanent: |-
&f &fВы были навсегда замучены игроком &#1fb6ee$executor&4 {hoverText: \n &fПричина: &#1fb6ee$reason\n &fМут по IP: &#1fb6ee$ipban\n\n &fДата мута: &#1fb6ee$dateStart \n}&f[&#1fb6eeПОДРОБНЕЕ&f].
unmute_fail: \n&f &fИгрок не в муте \n
no_override: \n&f &fЭтот игрок уже в муте \n
previous_mute_removed: \n&f &fПредыдущее наказание игрока было убрано \n
previous_mute_existing: \n&f &fЭтот игрок уже в муте \n
exempt: \n&f &fВы не можете замутить этого игрока \n
notification: \n&f &fИгрок &#1fb6ee$mutedPlayer &fпопытался что-то написать,
но он замучен \n
error_not_enabled: '&cMuting is not enabled in the configuration!'
response: ''
unmute_usage: '\n&f &fИспользоние: &#1fb6ee$command [Игрок] \n'
broadcast_unmute: \n&f &fИгрок &#1fb6ee$executor &fразмутил игрока &#1fb6ee$mutedPlayer
usage: '&cUsage: $command [-s] <player> [reason]'
example: ''
broadcast: '&a$executor &fwarned &a$warnedPlayer &ffor ''&a$reason&f'''
message: |-
&4You have been warned by $executor&4 for &c'&4$reason&c'&4.
&4This warning will expire in $duration.
list_entry: '&f \- Warned by $executor: ''$reason&f'''
unwarn_response: '&aLast warning removed for $player.'
unwarn_fail: '&cTarget has no warnings!'
exempt: '&cYou can''t warn $player!'
response: ''
unwarn_usage: '&cUsage: $command <player>'
broadcast_unwarn: '&a$executor &funwarned &a$warnedPlayer'
usage: '\n&f &fИспользование: &#1fb6ee$command &f[&#1fb6eeИгрок&f] [&#1fb6eeПричина&f]
no_match: \n&f &fИгрок с таким ником не найден \n
kick_requested: \n&f &fИгрок не в сети на этом режиме.\n&f &fЕсли игрок находится
на другом режиме - он будет кикнут \n
message: '&#1fb6eesᴇʀᴠᴇʀ ɴᴀᴍᴇ [Mᴏжʜᴏ измᴇʜить/ʏдᴀлить ʙ ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇs.ʏᴍʟ] \n\n &f&k|
&fВы были кикнуты с сервера &f&k| \n\n&fВас кикнул: &#1fb6ee$executor \n\n&fПричина:
message_no_reason: '&#1fb6eesᴇʀᴠᴇʀ ɴᴀᴍᴇ [Mᴏжʜᴏ измᴇʜить/ʏдᴀлить ʙ ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇs.ʏᴍʟ]
\n\n &f&k| &fВы были кикнуты с сервера &f&k| \n\n&fВас кикнул: &#1fb6ee$executor
\n&fПричина: &#1fb6ee$reason\n'
response: \n&f &fИгрок &#1fb6ee$player &fбыл кикнут с сервера \n
broadcast: \n&f &fИгрок &#1fb6ee$player&f был кикнут игроком &#1fb6ee$executor&f
по причине &#1fb6ee$reason\n
broadcast_no_reason: \n&f &fИгрок &#1fb6ee$player&f был кикнут игроком &#1fb6ee$executor&f
exempt: \n&f &fВы не можете кикнуть этого игрока! \n
usage: '&f[&c&l★&f] &fИспользуйте: &c&l/history &f<игрок> [кол-во записей]&f.'
start: '&f[&c&l★&f] &fИстория игрока $target (Лимит: $limit):'
ban_entry: |-
&c&l -- [&f$timeSince назад&c&l] --&f
&f $name получил &c&lБАН &fот &f$executor&f по причине: &f$reason&f.
mute_entry: |-
&c&l -- [&f$timeSince назад&c&l] --&f
&f $name получил &f&lМУТ &fот &f$executor&f по причине: &f$reason&f.
warn_entry: |-
&c&l -- [&f$timeSince назад&c&l] --&f
&f $name получил &6&lПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ &fот $executor&f по причине: &f$reason&f.
kick_entry: |-
&c&l -- [&f$timeSince назад&c&l] --&f
&f $name был &e&lКИКНУТ &fигроком $executor&f по причине: &f$reason&f.
unban_entry: |2-

&c&l$executor&f снял игровой бан с игрока &c&l$name&f.
unmute_entry: |2-

&c&l$executor&f снял блокировку чата с игрока &c&l$name&f.
active_suffix: '&f [&c&lАктивно&f]'
expired_suffix: ''
active_suffix_temp: |-
&f Статус: &c&lАктивно
&f Окончание через: &c&l$duration.
error_no_history: '&f[&c&l★&f] &fИстория не найдена.'
error_no_user: '&f[&c&l★&f] &fИгрок не найден.'
error_no_loginrecord: '&cUser has not joined before.'
usage: '&c$command <player>'
start: '&aActive warnings for $target:'
usage: '&c$command <player> [duration]'
message: '&aHistory pruned.'
usage: '&f[&c&l★&f] &fИспольуйте: &c&l/staffhistory &f<игрок> [кол-во записей]'
start: '&fИстория персонала для &c&l$target&f (Лимит: $limit):'
usage: '&f[&c&l★&f] &fИспольуйте: &c&l/staffrollback &f<игрок> [время]'
message: '&fОткат завершен, всего записей удалено: &c&l$amount'
start: '&f=== &fСтраница &c&l$page&f из &c&l$total&f ==='
usage: '&f[&c&l★&f] &fИспольуйте: &c&l/iphistory &f<игрок> [кол-во записей]'
start: '&fИстория логинов игрока $target (Лимит: $limit):'
entry: '&f - [&f$date&f]&f $name&f:&f $ip'
error_no_history: '&f[&c&l★&f] &fИстория не найдена.'
start: '&aName history for $target (Limit: $limit):'
usage: '&c$command <player> [entries=10]'
entry: '&a - [&f$playerLoginDate&a]&6 $playerName'
usage: '\n&f &fИспольуйте: &#1fb6ee/dupeip [Игрок] \n'
start: \n&f &fСканирование игрока &#1fb6ee$name&f по &#1fb6ee$ip&f - [&aОнлайн&f]
[Оффлайн] [&cЗабанен&f] \n
start_no_ip: \n&f &fСканирование игрока &#1fb6ee$name&f по &#1fb6ee$ip&f\n&f &f[&aОнлайн&f]
[Оффлайн] [&cЗабанен&f] \n
separator: '&f, '
online: '&a'
offline: '&f'
banned: '&c'
muted: '&6'
multiple_addresses: '[$num адреса]'
end: ''
ip_banned: '&e'
start: '&f[&c&l★&f] &fСканирование &f$num&f онлайн игроков..'
entry: '&f[&c&l★&f] &f$player&f: $result&f.'
usage: '&f[&c&l★&f] &fИспользуйте: &c&l/checkban &f<игрок>&f.'
no_ban: '&f[&c&l★&f] &fИгрок &c&l$target&f не забанен&f..'
banned: |-
&fИгрок &c&l$target&f забанен:
&fБан выдан: &c&l$executor
&fПричина бана: &c$reason&c&l
&fЗабанен: &c$dateStart
&fОкончание срока: &c&l$dateEnd &f(&c&l$duration&f)
&fIP бан: &c$ipban&f, &fСкрыто: &c&l$silent&f, Навсегда: &c&l$permanent&f.
usage: '&f[&c&l★&f] &fИспользуйте: &c&l/checkmute &f<игрок>&f.'
no_mute: '&f[&c&l★&f] &fУ игрока &c&l&l$target&f нет блокировки чата.'
muted: |-
&fИгрок &c&l$target&f был заткнут:
&fМут выдал: &c&l$executor
&fПричина мута&c&l: $reason&r
&fПолучил блокировку: &c$dateStart
&fОкончание блокировки: &c&l$dateEnd &f($duration)
&fIP мут: &c$ipban&f, Скрыто: &c&l$silent&f, Навсегда: &c&l$permanent
usage: '&f[&c&l★&f] &fИспользуйте: &c&l/lastuuid &f<Ник/Айпи>&f.'
message: '&f[&c&l★&f] &fПоследний UUID игрока &c&l$name&f: &c&l$uuid&f.'
usage: '&c$command <player|IP>'
message: '&a$target&f is from: &a$result'
error_disabled: '&cGeoIP support is not enabled in the configuration!'
error_unavailable: '&cGeoIP support is currently unavailable, has it been downloaded
error_not_found: '&cGeoIP information for $target not found.'
usage: '&c$command <reason> | $command end'
message: '&cServer lockdown activated (reason: "$reason&c")'
stopped: '&aLockdown has been deactivated.'
kick_message: |-
&#1fb6eesᴇʀᴠᴇʀ ɴᴀᴍᴇ [Mᴏжʜᴏ измᴇʜить/ʏдᴀлить ʙ ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇs.ʏᴍʟ]
&fСервер находится на Тех. Работах
&fНе переживайте, совсем скоро мы вернемся к Вам
kick_message_global: |-
&#1fb6eesᴇʀᴠᴇʀ ɴᴀᴍᴇ [Mᴏжʜᴏ измᴇʜить/ʏдᴀлить ʙ ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇs.ʏᴍʟ]
&fСервер находится на Тех. Работах
&fНе переживайте, совсем скоро мы вернемся к Вам
error_not_active: '&cLockdown is not active!'
reload_success: '&aLiteBans reloaded successfully.'
reload_fail: '&cReload failed.'
reload_fail_connect: '&aLitebans reloaded. &cFailed to connect to database.'
reload_fail_config: |-
&c[LiteBans] &4config.yml is not valid and could not be loaded, the default configuration will be used.
&cPlease check the server console for more information.
reload_fail_messages: |-
&c[LiteBans] &4messages.yml is not valid and could not be loaded, default messages will be used.
&cPlease check the server console for more information.
fix_history: '&aFixing history for table $table...'
fix_history_result: '&aAdded $amount entries.'
fix_history_offline_uuids: '&c$amount UUIDs were not fetched from Mojang since
they are offline-mode UUIDs.'
import_usage: '&c$command import start'
import_start: '&aImporting from $db, this might take a while...'
import_finish: '&aImport finished successfully. $bans bans imported, $ipbans IP-bans.'
import_finish_litebans: '&aImport finished successfully. Added $amount entries
to the database.'
import_fail: '&cImport failed. Check console.'
import_unsupported: '&cImporting from ''$name'' is not supported yet!'
allow_usage: '&cUsage: /litebans allow <add/remove/check> <user>'
allow_added: '&ePlayer &6$playerName&e has been &aallowed to join the server&e.'
allow_removed: '&ePlayer &6$playerName&e has been &cremoved from the allow list&e.'
allow_check_true: '&aPlayer &6$playerName&a is allowed to join the server.'
allow_check_false: '&cPlayer &6$playerName&c is not allowed to join the server.'
allow_error_add: '&cError: $playerName is already allowed to join the server.'
allow_error_remove: '&cError: $playerName is not allowed to join the server.'
expired: истекло
forever: навсегда
year: год
years: лет
month: месяц
months: месяцев
week: неделя
weeks: недель
day: день
days: дней
hour: час
hours: часов
minute: минута
minutes: минут
second: секунда
seconds: секунд
format: '%d %s'
separator: ' '
global: глобальный
'null': неизвестно
'true': Да
'false': Нет
# LiteBans templates.yml generated by version 2.13.3
# Templates · Wiki · Ruan / LiteBans · GitLab
# Each template has the following options:
# reason | The default reason which will be used if no reason is specified
# message | The message which the punished player gets when they receive the punishment
# duration | The amount of time which the punishment will last for (or permanent)
# permission | The permission which is required (in addition to all other applicable permissions) to use the template, or remove any punishments under this template via /unban, /unmute, /unwarn.
# actions | A list of commands which will be executed by the player who issued the punishment
# expire_ladder | The duration which punishments will remain on the template ladder and contribute towards ladder progression.
# ip_template | If enabled, the template ladder will be bound to both the account and the IP address of the players punished through this template.
# Ladders:
# - Each template has its own configurable ladder. Ladders are climbed from the lowest point to the highest point.
# - Ladders must be specified in descending order (from highest to lowest). The final punishment is on the top of the ladder and is listed first.
# - Each ladder step can overwrite template options (reason, message, duration, permission).
# Usage:
# - All templates can be used by their name directly (/ban <player> <template> [reason])
# - There is no implicit prefix for templates. If you want a template prefix like "!" or "#", then name your templates accordingly (with quotes, e.g. '!template').
# Notices:
# - This file, templates.yml, must be copied across all servers for templates to work correctly.
# - There is a limit of 255 templates per type.
# - Templates cannot be removed or re-ordered in this configuration without resetting all active templates (renaming existing templates or adding new templates at any time is fine).
# - Template names cannot contain dots or spaces.
# If you wish to start from scratch, clearing all templates from existing punishments, use "/litebans reset-templates".
# An example template.
# This example is not to be taken seriously as Minecraft does not have pineapples nor pizza implemented, so it would be impossible to create a pineapple pizza.
# Usage: /ban <player> PineapplePizza
message: |-
&b❄ &fАккаунт заморожен &b❄

&fМы обнаружили подозрительную активность,
И были вынужденны заморозить данный аккаунт.

Нам нужно разобратся в данной ситуации.
Пожалуйста напишите нам в группу ВКонтакте,
Прикрепив скриншот данного экрана

Ссылка на Группу поддержки: &e[ссылка]

ID Заморозки: $idRandom
permission: litebans.unban.freeze
# In this ladder, the first offense results in a five-year ban, and the second offense results in a permanent ban.
reason: 'freeze'
duration: permanent
# This ladder will never expire. Each offense will be counted until the end of time.
expire_ladder: never

message: |-
&c> Для данного аккаунта вход на сервер невозможен.

&fВход с данного аккаунта невозможен,
Данную блокировку нельзя снять, обжалованию не подлежит.
Спасибо за проведенное время на нашем проекте.
ID Блокировки: $idRandom
permission: litebans.unban.disable
# In this ladder, the first offense results in a five-year ban, and the second offense results in a permanent ban.
reason: 'disable'
duration: permanent
# This ladder will never expire. Each offense will be counted until the end of time.
expire_ladder: never

message: |-
permission: litebans.unban.sdisable
# In this ladder, the first offense results in a five-year ban, and the second offense results in a permanent ban.
reason: 'sdisable'
duration: permanent
# This ladder will never expire. Each offense will be counted until the end of time.
expire_ladder: never

reason: 'Spamming'
message: 'You have been muted for spamming!'
permission: litebans.group.example
duration: 2 weeks
duration: 5 days
duration: 12 hours
message: '&cPlease stop spamming!\nThis is your first and only warning. If you do this again, you will be muted for 12 hours.'
duration: 5s
expire_ladder: 30d
ip_template: false

warn-templates: {}
kick-templates: {}

template-groups: {}
# LiteBans config.yml generated by version 2.13.3

# If bungeecord is set to true, banned players will be kicked from BungeeCord itself.
# (Players will not be kicked to the lobby when they are banned.)
# This option has no effect if LiteBans is running directly under BungeeCord or Velocity.
bungeecord: true

# If enabled, and the server is connected to a remote database (e.g. MySQL),
# LiteBans will synchronize across all servers connected to that database with sync enabled.
sync: true

# If enabled, broadcasts will be synchronized.
sync_broadcasts: true

# If enabled, notifications will be synchronized.
sync_notifications: true

# If enabled, dupeip notifications will be synchronized.
# This will appear multiple times if a player joins multiple servers, so you might want to leave this disabled.
sync_dupeip_notifications: false

# The server name is an identifier used in cross-server synchronization.
# It represents a single plugin instance (or group of instances) and can be updated at any time.
# If you need per-server bans, you have to change server_name on all instances.
# The "$serverScope" and "$serverOrigin" variables can be used in messages.
# Maximum length is 32 characters. UTF-8 is supported. This is case-sensitive, so it is recommended to only use lowercase characters.
server_name: 'litebans'

# This option decides which server(s) will be affected in commands by default.
default_server_scope: '*'

# H2, MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL are supported database drivers.
driver: MySQL

## MySQL/PostgreSQL settings ##
# If using H2, the database will be stored in the LiteBans plugin folder,
# and most of these settings won't apply.

# Database server address.
address: localhost:3306

# Database name, username and password.
database: ''
username: ''
password: ''

# LiteBans utilizes connection pooling for extra performance and reliability.
# min_connections: Minimum amount of pooled connections.
# max_connections: Maximum amount of pooled connections. See: About Pool Sizing
# keepalive: Interval between connection keepalive attempts. This prevents connection timeout for established connections.
# If connections are being closed due to server-side timeout, a keepalive of 30 seconds is recommended. Disabled by default.
# timeout: Connection timeout.
# idle_timeout: Maximum amount of time a pooled connection can remain idle before it is closed for inactivity.
# max_lifetime: Maximum amount of time an active connection can exist for (while being actively used).
min_connections: 1
max_connections: 10
keepalive: 0 seconds
timeout: 25 seconds
idle_timeout: 1 minute
max_lifetime: 30 minutes

# Database engine. Only applies to MySQL & MariaDB.
engine: InnoDB

options: 'useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC'

table_prefix: 'litebans_'

# Format: <name>:<class>[:URL:version:SHA-256]
# SQLite is only included here for importing purposes, use H2 instead.
- version:8
- 'mysql:com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver:Central Repository: mysql/mysql-connector-java{}/mysql-connector-java-{}.jar:8.0.29:d4e32d2a6026b5acc00300b73a86c28fb92681ae9629b21048ee67014c911db6'
- 'pgsql:eek:rg.postgresql.Driver:Central Repository: org/postgresql/postgresql{}/postgresql-{}.jar:42.4.0:fe25b9c0a2c59458504ec88862853df522ee87f8a02564835d537c29ae4cb125'
- 'mariadb:eek:rg.mariadb.jdbc.Driver:Central Repository: org/mariadb/jdbc/mariadb-java-client{}/mariadb-java-client-{}.jar:3.1.2:aaec1ad348d030a65b25c93c65cdaf472bf8b4b6b314b965e5ba13aec81bc622'
- 'sqlite:eek:rg.sqlite.JDBC:Central Repository: org/xerial/sqlite-jdbc{}/sqlite-jdbc-{}.jar:'
- 'h2:eek:rg.h2.Driver:Central Repository: com/h2database/h2{}/h2-{}.jar:1.4.197:37f5216e14af2772930dff9b8734353f0a80e89ba3f33e065441de6537c5e842'

# The highest limit matched by permissions will be used for duration limits.
# Players with "litebans.group.unlimited" permission will not have any limits applied.
# The lowest duration matched by permissions will be used for cooldowns.
# Cooldowns apply in two instances: to prevent the same player from being punished twice, and to prevent the same player from punishing others within cooldown.
# Cooldowns can be bypassed with: "litebans.cooldown.bypass", "litebans.cooldown.bypass.ban", "litebans.cooldown.bypass.mute", etc.
# Cooldowns default to 5 seconds if not specified.
# The redo cooldown applies when someone removes their last punishment and creates a new one.
## OTHER ##
# If a group has "require_template" enabled, any players who belong to that group will be restricted to using templates - they cannot create custom punishments. Unlimited users will not have this restriction.
permission: litebans.group.lord
tempban: 2 hour
tempmute: 2 hour
cooldown_ban: 120 second
cooldown_kick: 30 second
cooldown_mute: 30 second
permission: litebans.group.helper
tempmute: 48 hour
permission: litebans.group.moder
tempmute: 9999999 hour
tempban: 9999999 hour
permission: litebans.group.master
cooldown_kick: 30 second
# If true, when specifying a duration higher than the configured limit, it will be reduced to the maximum duration.
# If false, this will result in an error.
round_down: true

# This cooldown will apply to the server console.
# Unlike player cooldowns, this does not stop the console from punishing multiple players at once, it only protects players from double punishments.
console_cooldown: 1 second

# This option allows you to have all IP bans (except wildcard IP) convert into normal bans (UUID ban instead of UUID+IP ban) after a certain amount of time has passed.
# For example, if you set this option to 30 days (30d), an IP ban placed on January 1 will be demoted to an account ban on January 31.
# Useful for dynamic IP addresses.
effective_ipban_duration: permanent

enabled: true
# All of these commands can not be used while muted.
- /me
- /say
- /tell
- /whisper
- /reply
- /pm
- /message
- /msg
- /emsg
- /epm
- /etell
- /ewhisper
- /w
- /m
- /t
- /r
- /mail send
- /bc
- /broadcast
# If enabled, muted players cannot use blacklisted commands containing ":", for example: "/minecraft:me".
# This does not prevent muted players from using non-blacklisted commands with ":".
prevent_bypass: true

# Warnings will expire after this duration has passed.
# To make warnings permanent, set it to "permanent".
expire_after: 7 days
# Warning actions.
# Format: <threshold>[+]:<action>
# The threshold is evaluated as the number of active warnings given to the warned player, including the warning which was just applied.
# If '+' is provided after the threshold, the action will execute if the player has that amount of warnings or more.
# If you want a punishment action to inherit the silent status from the warning that caused it, add the flag "-s:$silent" to the action.
# actions:
# - '3:/kick -s:$silent $player Final warning: $reason'
# - '4:/tempban -s:$silent $player 1 day Reached 4 warnings: $list'
actions: [ ]
# If enabled, the console will execute warning actions.
# Otherwise, the player who executes the last warning also executes the warning action.
actions_execute_as_console: false

# If enabled, all active warnings will be deactivated after a warning action is executed.
delete_warnings_after_action: false

# If enabled, players with the permission 'litebans.notify.banned_join' are notified when a banned player tries to join.
banned_player_join: true
# If enabled, players with the permission "litebans.notify.mute" are notified when a muted player tries to chat.
muted_player_chat: true
# If enabled, players are scanned for alt accounts when joining the server.
# After the scan has been performed, at least one condition must apply for notifications to be sent (dupeip_on_banned_account, dupeip_on_muted_account, dupeip_on_join_threshold).
dupeip_on_join: true
# This limits the amount of accounts which can be shown in /dupeip output per IP address.
# Accounts are sorted by last login date, so if the limit is reached,
# the accounts not shown will be the ones which have joined least recently.
dupeip_scan_limit: 20
# Notify if the player has one or more banned accounts on the same IP.
dupeip_on_banned_account: true
# Same as above, but for muted accounts.
dupeip_on_muted_account: false
# If you set this to a lower value, players with X accounts will send dupeip notifications.
dupeip_on_join_threshold: 9999999
# If enabled, muted accounts will be detected with /dupeip.
# This is disabled by default since it can increase the database load on larger servers especially if dupeip_on_join is enabled.
dupeip_show_muted_accounts: false
# Log all notifications to the console?
notify_console: true

# Log all broadcasts to your Discord server?
# To enable, copy your integrations webhook URL and paste it within the quotes provided. Example:
# notify_discord: 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/12345'
notify_discord: ''

enable: true
# If enabled, players with lower group weights cannot punish higher groups.
# This replaces the exempt-bypass system - as a result, litebans.exempt.bypass will be ignored when this is enabled.
use_group_weights: true
# By default, permission checks are global. You can set them to a specific world here.
permission_world: default
# Permission groups that are exempt from bans, mutes, warnings, and kicks.
exempt_groups: [ ]
# Players who are exempt from bans, mutes, warnings, and kicks.
# Format: <name/UUID>[:type]
# Type can be 'ban', 'mute', 'warning', or 'kick'. (All types apply if not specified)
# Example:
# exempt_players: ['Player', 'Player2', 'Player3', 'Player4:mute']
exempt_players: [ ]

enable: false
# Anyone from these locations will not be able to join.
# A full list of countries that can be blacklisted (fifth column: Country): GeoNames
# Example:
# blacklist: ['Australia', 'Brazil', 'Canada', 'Denmark']
blacklist: [ ]
# Adding countries to the whitelist will activate this feature and block all countries not on the list.
# NOTE: If you are hosting your server on your own machine, you should add "geoip.error" to the whitelist
# in order to allow local addresses (like or to join the server.
# Example:
# whitelist: ['geoip.error', 'Ecuador', 'Fiji', 'Greece', 'Hong Kong']
whitelist: [ ]
# GeoIP · Wiki · Ruan / LiteBans · GitLab
db: https://download.maxmind.com/app/ge...ry&license_key=YOUR_LICENSE_KEY&suffix=tar.gz
- https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/...0be5d39f50fde56692ba305b21338412da9c0fc98e3fb
- https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/...2514f19c5c13fde17913aa2269a9844882404242f6452
- https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/...3dda476758a034a9383ef848f97b9949287a0519923e6
- https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/...673e64378c2efd27f0294602f0fc69cb867685c723797
- https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/...d4e53ad6017862e4917cc08c24f45111061b1c2170b06

# If enabled, only the console can see IP addresses in /dupeip output.
# This does not prevent players from using /dupeip. It only prevents them from seeing IP addresses.
dupeip: true
# If enabled, only the console can use /iphistory.
iphistory: true
# If enabled, only the console can use /staffrollback.
staffrollback: true
# If enabled, only the console can use the --modify flag.
modify: false
# If enabled, only the console can use /prunehistory.
prunehistory: false
# If enabled, only the console can use --sender flags.
sender_custom: true
# If enabled, only the console can see IP addresses which have been IP-banned directly. Account names are shown if possible.
ipban: true
# If set to 0, players can perform both regular IP bans and wildcard IP bans if they have the permission to do so.
# If set to 1 or higher, only the console can perform wildcard IP bans.
# If set to 2 or higher, only the console can use /ipban and /ipmute.
ipban_command: 1
# The obscure seed changes how the "idRandom" variable in messages.yml is generated. Altering this option will invalidate all previously generated random IDs.
# If the seed is revealed, the generated IDs may be predictable to someone who has sufficient knowledge.
# Words and numbers are accepted for the seed value.
obscure_seed: 42hufi4kj

# If enabled, punishment broadcasts will be silent by default.
# This can be overridden per-punishment by using the "-p" (public) flag (the opposite of "-s").
silent: false

# If enabled, punishments will be IP-based by default. (All bans will be IP bans, all mutes will be IP mutes, etc.)
# Please note that this will affect the permissions required - /ban will require litebans.ipban, and /mute will require litebans.ipmute instead.
punish_ip: false

# Instead of "CONSOLE", this name will be used to represent the console.
console_sender_name: Console

# Use display names?
# This means that when moderators and punished players change their name using /nick,
# this name will be used in broadcasts and other messages instead of their regular name.
# The Bungee & Velocity versions of LiteBans cannot detect Spigot-side display names.
use_display_names: false

# This allows /dupeip and /ipreport to scan every single IP address that a player has ever joined with. (Multiple IP scanning)
# If set to false, only the player's last IP address will be scanned.
# (This option requires delete_previous_history: false)
dupeip_scan_all_ips: false

# If disabled, all previous IP addresses will be recorded, allowing /iphistory to work.
delete_previous_history: true

# If enabled, LiteBans performs an additional database query on login to provide case-insensitive name bans and mutes.
# This also prevents players from evading bans by switching from offline-mode to online-mode (through FastLogin, for example), or from Geyser to Java Edition in offline-mode.
ban_names: false

# If enabled, all previous login history will be unbanned when unbanning a player.
# Essentially a "chain unban" - it can resolve multiple IP bans at the same time, and it will be more effective if "delete_previous_history" is disabled.
unban_all_history: false

# If a kick message contains any of these, it will not be added to the database.
# You can set this list to [''] if you don't want any kicks to be added to the database.
- restarting
- afk

# This option controls how often notifications are sent from a single player.
# When a player tries to join when banned or talk while muted,
# you won't see any more messages from them for a short while.
notification_throttle_ticks: 12000

# If enabled, a kick reason must be provided, otherwise players will get an error.
require_kick_reason: true

# If enabled, a ban or mute reason must be provided, otherwise players will get an error.
# When set to false, "default_ban_reason" and "default_mute_reason" in messages.yml are used as reasons when no reason is provided.
require_ban_mute_reason: true

# If enabled, an unban or unmute reason must be provided, otherwise players will get an error.
require_unban_unmute_reason: false

# After configuring import options, run "/litebans import start" to begin the import.
# The import process occurs while the server is running, no downtime is required.
# You can import from: MaxBans, Ultrabans, BanHammer, BanManagerv4, BanManagerv5, BanManagerv7, BungeeAdminTools, AdvancedBan(MySQL only), LibertyBans(MySQL only), LiteBans, Vanilla.
# Vanilla means importing from banned-players.json, which is also used by Essentials.
from: vanilla

# If enabled, importing will be done from a SQLite database instead of a MySQL database.
# You can ignore this if importing from banned-players.json.
# If importing from LiteBans, H2 will be used instead of SQLite.
sqlite: true

# SQLite file locations:
# MaxBans: plugins/MaxBans/bans.db
# Ultrabans: plugins/Ultrabans/banlist.db
# BanHammer: plugins/BanHammer/BanHammer.db
sqlite_file: plugins/MaxBans/bans.db

import_ipbans: true
## MySQL import settings ##
import_mysql_address: localhost:3306
import_mysql_database: maxbans
import_mysql_username: ''
import_mysql_password: ''
import_table_prefix: default

###### Advanced settings #####

# If enabled, broadcasts and notifications generated by this instance or obtained from other instances will be displayed here.
# If you're getting duplicate broadcasts, disable this on the Bungee / Velocity instance.
# Disabling this does not disable synchronization, it only prevents an instance from sending messages locally.
# (On a proxy-side instance, a "local" message will reach players on all servers on the network, not just the origin server)
local_messages: true

# If enabled, /lockdown will continue after restarts.
persist_enabled: true

# If enabled, the local system timezone will be used.
# UTC time will be stored in the database, but dates will be formatted using the timezone offset.
use_timezone: true

# If enabled, LiteBans will use the timezone stored in the database.
use_database_time: false

# This option allows you to disable recording IP history on specific servers.
# Example: ignored_iphistory_servers: ['Lobby', 'Hub']
# This is useful when you have a layer of authentication (e.g. AuthMe or 2FA) if unauthenticated players cannot leave the lobby server.
# Under Spigot, you can add 'local' or the server_name value to this list to prevent this server from recording IP history.
ignored_iphistory_servers: ['auth']

# Players in this list will not be shown in /dupeip or /alts output.
# Names, UUIDs and IP addresses can be specified.
hidden_dupeip_players: ['Rin']

# This option controls the behaviour of the "-N" flag. This flag prevents active bans/mutes from being overridden.
# If enabled, the "-N" flag will only prevent bans from being overridden if the active ban has a lower duration.
override_lower_duration: false

# Amount of entries to show on /history and /staffhistory by default.
default_history_limit: 10

# This is the amount of bans shown on each page for /banlist.
# Note that ban entries can span 2-3 lines.
banlist_bans_per_page: 5

# Only show active bans for /banlist?
banlist_show_active_only: false

# If enabled, players with litebans.exempt.bypass permission can punish exempt players.
# Note that all operators will usually have this permission unless negated.
allow_exempt_bypass: true

# If enabled, online player names will be auto-completed.
# Example: /ban Pl -> /ban Player
# This has absolutely nothing to do with tab-completion.
autocomplete_online_player_names: true

# If enabled, AuthMe will be detected and IP history will only be added after a player has successfully logged in.
# This option will only work under Spigot, since AuthMe is a Spigot plugin.
support_authme: false

# If enabled, ProtocolLib will be detected and chat events will be cancelled before they can be processed by any other plugins.
# This can help prevent plugin conflicts which allow muted players to chat.
# This option will only work under Spigot, since ProtocolLib is a Spigot plugin.
use_protocollib: true

# If enabled, players will be checked for bans after they have joined. (Spigot only)
# This should not be enabled unless you have a conflicting plugin which is un-cancelling login events and allowing banned players to log in.
# Players are checked before login regardless of this option.
check_after_join: false

# /ipreport will not show accounts that have no other players attached by default.
ipreport_minimum_accounts: 2

# For Spigot instances: If enabled, all players joining this instance will not be checked for bans.
disable_login_ban_check: false
# For Bungee/Velocity instances: Any servers listed here will not check for banned players on login.
disable_login_ban_check_servers: [ ]

# If enabled, LiteBans will notify you when an update is available.
update_check: false

debug_level: 0

  • ban_permanent.png
    27 KB · Просмотры: 174
  • ippermanentmute.png
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  • permanentmute.png
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  • tempban.png
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  • kick_message.png
    19 KB · Просмотры: 140
  • Скриншот 27-06-2024 153931.png
    Скриншот 27-06-2024 153931.png
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  • Скриншот 27-06-2024 153814.png
    Скриншот 27-06-2024 153814.png
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  • Скриншот 27-06-2024 154026.png
    Скриншот 27-06-2024 154026.png
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  • Скриншот 27-06-2024 154118.png
    Скриншот 27-06-2024 154118.png
    4.4 KB · Просмотры: 101
  • checkban.png
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  • Скриншот 27-06-2024 154500.png
    Скриншот 27-06-2024 154500.png
    5.8 KB · Просмотры: 78
  • Скриншот 27-06-2024 154531.png
    Скриншот 27-06-2024 154531.png
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  • ban.png
    22.2 KB · Просмотры: 88
  • Скриншот 27-06-2024 154708.png
    Скриншот 27-06-2024 154708.png
    6.6 KB · Просмотры: 83
  • Скриншот 27-06-2024 154841.png
    Скриншот 27-06-2024 154841.png
    7.2 KB · Просмотры: 63
  • Скриншот 27-06-2024 154957.png
    Скриншот 27-06-2024 154957.png
    21.9 KB · Просмотры: 67
  • Скриншот 27-06-2024 155040.png
    Скриншот 27-06-2024 155040.png
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  • Скриншот 28-06-2024 105005.png
    Скриншот 28-06-2024 105005.png
    18.2 KB · Просмотры: 66
  • Скриншот 28-06-2024 105126.png
    Скриншот 28-06-2024 105126.png
    14.4 KB · Просмотры: 161
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